Alessandro Perrella

A young insurance agent flies to central Italy to evaluate the library of an eccentric Prince. She will learn about the man's terrifying past and encounter the very essence of evil.


Christmas time. A group of students steal a considerable amount of money from the local Campus. They flee through the snowy woods, in what the locals refer to as the "heartland of the Beast". They seek shelter in an abandoned mine, and eventually end up feeding the Beast's gruesome needs.


An upscale couple visit a villa owned by a chick named Rita for some rest and relaxation, but the husband and Rita have other plans... until Rita and the wife come up with OTHER other plans...


James, an unscrupulous director, and George are the joint owners of a film studio. One morning, the corpse of a messenger boy is found by a cleaning lady, but the identity of the youth's killer remains a mystery. Gloria, a stunning actress who is seeing George, rejects unwelcome advances from James. Determined to get the attractive actress into bed, James reveals that he has video footage which shows her killing the messenger. It emerges that she murdered the young man after he tried to sexually assault her. However, there is a twist...


After attending esoterical studies with a wise man, Cagliostro, a mysterious Italian count, received the gift of supernatural powers. He started to travel all over Europe to heal the poor. But he is also a member of a pre-revolutionary lodge the aim of which is to give freedom to the populations of Europe. This cannot be tolerated by the 18th century's establishment and bought the Pope and the regal house of France try to eliminate him. So Cagliostro is locked up in a castle, while his wife is killed. But when in 1795 the door of his cell is opened there is nothing inside but a sword...


After a few years in a boarding school for nuns, young and provocative Monica returns to the village, eager to win as many children as possible. All men lose their heads for her. Later her sister, Sabina who runs a pharmacy arrives with her new husband and she can't manage to keep her hands off her new brother-in-law. It succeeds so well that it reduces the entire local soccer team to its knees.


A middle-aged couple invites a group of youngsters to their luxury villa to introduce them into the rituals and mystery of love and lust.


"Gli angeli dalle mani bendate" a docu-film exploring fraud in the sport of boxing. The film was directed in 1975 by Oscar Brazzi and starred his brother Rossano Brazzi in the role of a journalist who boldly investigates the seedy underbelly of the boxing world.

Baron Ivan Rassimov, a brilliant doctor, died horribly during a fire burst in his laboratory. Since that day, his daughter Tanja retired to a life of reclusion, covering with a dark veil her disfigured face. Professor Nijinski was once a student of Rassimov; he married Tanja, and he's trying to restore her lost beauty with a series of skin transplants. However, to reach his goal, professor Nijinski needs beautiful young victims for his transplant experiments.


Anijeska, the Rassimov's heir, moves with her husband, Dr. Alex Nijinski, to her father's mansion. In the basement, the doctor discovers the laboratory in which the late Rassimov carried out horrifying experiments.


In this period piece set in Italy, Nicola Bellizzi dreams of becoming a lawyer. However, when he seeks the reason that people are reluctant to help him in his goals, he discovers that some of his blood relations are high-ranking members of the Mafia. He tries to break away from his family obligations, but falls into a life of crime and violence.


A comedy directed by Andrea Bianchi.


A young woman is tormented by nightmares of her miscarriage. She becomes unfaithful to her husband and meets various lovers. Eventually, reality begins to unfurl around her.


Catene is a 1974 Italian melodramatic film directed by Silvio Amadio. The film is the re-make of the 1949 top grossing film with the same title by Raffaello Matarazzo. It was a commercial failure, grossing about 60 million lire.

After a phone call has been intercepted (an industrialist is going to receive a huge amount of money from a foreign bank), Mafioso Luca Albanese is assigned to set up a big robbery. He and his gang (three men and three women) then hide-out in a remote mountainous region, but soon at each other's throats. Moreover, someone is killing Albanese's men one by one, leaving white paint on the victim's faces...


Four women of Gubbio - Angelica, Violetta, Lisa and Bettina - are conducted before the court by their lovers and husbands.


A doctor accidentally kills his girlfriend, when he causes her to fall onto an ornamental flower which has metal spikes. He disposes of her by chopping up and then dissolving her corpse. The woman's sister accuses the doctor and an investigation begins. In the meantime, a second woman is killed and the doctor begins to receive metal petals through the post...


When a cowboy is released from prison he fulfils a promise to visit a town run by a gang of ruthless gunmen. In doing so he makes a lot of enemies.


After being raped by her father, Ingrid moves to Rome and ends up becoming a prostitute. She finds a friend in Claudia, but Claudia's protector is a sadistic thug by the name of Renato who will show her the worst of the what life in the city has to offer.


In '500 a noble Tuscan gives a banquet in which they are told bawdy stories: a cardinal tells dirty stories during a banquet that turns into a purge; a marquise is induced into temptation by an abbot; a tintora has carnal relations with a brother, and the two have a son; prisoner of Charles V , Francis I of France has a relationship with two Spanish and get an acquittal advance by the Pope; a group of cardinals contain a prostitute during a council; the Marquis Cavalcanti, rejected by the bride, vents his cravings with a syphilitic prostitute.


A young priest arrives in a small village because his old colleague is old and frail and cannot uphold the law of God with the necessary strength. He means well but the hypocrisy of the villagers who do not trust him makes his task only harder and while struggling for his beliefs, he falls victim to the sins of the flesh.


A married couple, he a failed intellectual, she completely unsatisfied, try to solve their marital crisis by throwing themselves into the arms of two lovers; he a young Swede, she with a handsome Greek man.


This cop doesn't carry a gun - his fist is loaded!


In a small Scottish village, horribly murdered bodies keep turning up. Suspicion falls upon the residents of a nearby castle that is haunted by a curse involving a killer cat.


The plot involves the murder of a prostitute in a Paris brothel (run by early 60's sex symbol Anita Ekberg). It's blamed on a jealous client, but the lead detective ("Bogey") suspects otherwise. And when the murders continue after the suspect's ironic-if-he-were-actually-guilty demise, his suspicions are confirmed.


A woman whose husband was murdered five years previously, is stalked by his killer, who wants to eliminate her as a potential witness. What he doesn't know is that the shock of his murder caused her to have amnesia, and she doesn't remember anything.


God Is My Colt .45


Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime into the business and political life of Sicily.


This fast-moving tale revolves around the kidnaping of a boxer's daughter. The boxer pays the ransom money but the girl is still not released. Her boyfriend decides to get her back his own way.


Italian nunsploitation movie from 1972


Valentina, a beautiful fashion model, takes an experimental drug as part of a scientific experiment. While influenced by the drug, Valentina has a vision of a young woman being brutally murdered with a viciously spiked glove. It turns out that a woman was killed in exactly the same way not long ago and soon Valentina finds herself stalked by the same killer.


Luigi Batzella directed this spaghetti western under the pseudonym "Paolo Solvay." Gioffredo Scarciofolo stars (using his standard alias, "Jeff Cameron") as Tom Carter, whose brother was murdered and robbed by the evil Ringo Brown (William Mayor) shortly after taking all his money out of the bank to marry Cora (Krista Nell), a local saloon girl. Tom is suspicious of Cora, but she helps him unmask the real killer.


Two spouses discover a corpse that mysteriously disappears and then reappear in their suitcase. This is stolen by a couple of teens who are suspected, like the first two, of murder.


An English singer thinks his Italian wife has cheated on him and goes back to England. He is then involved in drug trafficking and ends up in jail. Luckily enough after a while the real culprit is revealed and he can go back to Italy and his wife.
