Alex Heartman

The year is 2045, the continuing drug war has caused havoc between The United States government and Mexico. Gear Side International, a robotics engineering company loses a multi billion dollar government contract due to bad practices. On the brink of bankruptcy, they sell off their technology to the Malvado cartel on the black market. With the advanced military robotics technology in the wrong hands. The cartel uses it to their advantage; replacing their enforcers, hit men, and soldiers. The cartel eventually becomes a very powerful threat to The United States


A high school girl must try to keep her past life of killing her best friend a secret from a guy who likes her.


When a prince, and heir to the throne, finds himself in some hot water for his partying ways, the royal family decides to hire a top notch PR consultant to work with him.


The Samurai Rangers get stuck in the Megazord's cockpit on Christmas Eve after battling a Nighlok. Can they work together to make it out in time for Christmas? Episodes Include: Super Samurai "Stuck on Christmas" Mighty Morphin Power RangersT "Forever Friends" and "Alpha's Magical Christmas"

Halloween is every Nighlok's favorite day of the year! So the creepiest creatures from the Netherworld are just dying to get into the scariest party ever and trade war stories about their battles with the Samurai Power Rangers.


The Samurai Rangers team up with the mysterious RPM Ranger Red to fight off Master Xandred's Mooger army and a robotic supervillain from the RPM Ranger's dimension. But when both Red Rangers get struck with hypnobolts, they turn against one another.
