Alex Kustanovich

After witnessing an older version of herself committing suicide, Mia (Jodie Whittaker) attempts to rewrite history and thereby avert this tragic fate. She travels back in time, exploring dark secrets and lashing out against handsome Ludwig (Dougray Scott), the root of her problems. Directed by Dana Lustig, this Kafkaesque romantic thriller also stars David Warner, Emilia Fox, Chris Wilson and Allan Corduner.


Mirror Wars: Reflection One is a post-cold-war thriller from the Russian point of view. Bad-guy British arms dealer Murdock (Malcolm McDowell) and numerous mercenaries and clandestine agents tries to steal a new Russian stealth fighter. Murdock is foiled by the hero, a patriotic Russian fighter-jet pilot who was recently branded a potential traitor because of his romantic fling with an alleged American ecologist. She was actually a shadowy intelligence operative before her untimely assassination in her lover's arms.
