Alex Winckler

A young woman puts her life back together after suffering from a nervous breakdown.


Straight-laced Luke inadvertently finds himself sentenced to two years in Young Offender Institution Sunnybank View after becoming a bank robber’s getaway driver, along with the bank robber in question, his girlfriend’s brother and so-called friend - Jason. To make matters worse he has to share a cell with Jason. Luke will have to rely on Jason’s street smarts to get him through. Unfortunately, Jason is a massive idiot.


Despite assurances that his condition is common and will pass, thirteen year old Sam is horrified to find he has grown a pair of breasts. His terror intensifies when the resident school bully (the only person to have discovered his secret) sets in motion a tense game of cat and mouse, as he subtly threatens to expose Sam to the school, building inexorably towards a confrontation that neither of them could ever have imagined…


A father forces his son to accept responsibility for his actions with disastrous consequences.


Alex Winckler Drama Short Film


16 year old Ralph travels alone to Marseille in order to try and find his best friend Clare and declare his love for her.
