Alexander Mahler

Jackies' quiet life as a housewife and English teacher ends abruptly when her husband informs her that he is leaving her for a younger woman. In a quest for revenge, Jackie makes arrangements with a plastic surgeon for a general overhaul with the goal of landing a younger husband. A newspaper leads her to Peter who is as bored by his insurance job as he is by the young women he has been dating. Written by John W. Wrist


Three young soldiers in a car have twelve hours to spare and only one thing on their minds: WOMEN. They are accompanied on their journey by the music of Freddy Quinn: "Destiny strikes aimlessly; today it's you, tomorrow me".

Ever been sitting in your dream car and found the doors jammed? Anything that appears to be a dream is a joke and this joke turns into trauma.


A day in the life of factory worker Rudolf S. Trapped in a routine existence, he takes refuge in dreams, visions, hallucinations... and the South Seas.