Aleksandar Markovich

An Italian man faces increasing hardships throughout his day as everything that could go wrong for him, does go wrong.

Acclaimed auteur Percy Manthey's re-edit and re-colourisation of Tom Lister's 2020 action film The Unethicals.

In a drug infested Croydon, two detectives must get to the bottom of a grisly murder with no obvious motive.

Three students shooting a school project discover unexplainable videos showing up among their footage, and slowly uncover an anomaly which tears their reality apart.

An irritable little man named Herman seeks to deliver a box of gifts to his wife Penelope on foot from Croydon to Hounslow with the help of three bumbling workmen.

The witness to a brutal stabbing calls detectives Mitchell and Tyler of his observance. The two officers race to meet him before a mysterious gunman can take him out the picture. As the clock counts down to his assassination, will the police be able to save the witness? Or will the killer get away scot free?

A data miner trapped in a room begins to question why he is imprisoned.

The master thief Jeff Krönkermann is recruited by a mysterious businessman to steal an ancient artifact from an army of clones. He can't do it alone, however, and is teamed up with the deadly Shades, the mysterious Hood, the moralistic Miles Cupman and the incompetent Blake Bimbus

Percy takes a walk in the woods and finds a girl called Duja, a mysterious girl who lives in the woods with a red cat mask.

Set in the 1930s, working class boy Jimmy pays a visit to his rich uncle Sal, a powerful Don in the local mafia. Hoping his wealthy uncle will lift him out of poverty, Jimmy and Sal embark on a discussion that explores success, wealth, respect and family. With both plotting against each other, you never know who to trust.