Alexander Salzberger

An episodic relationship comedy written in rhyming verse.


A woman leaves a psychiatric ward after a nervous breakdown, only to start hearing mysterious knocking sounds in her apartment.

Mika and Tesfay. She: a photographer. He: a musician. Both up-and-coming. The first love. But an invisible conflict, an unnamable shame, stirs between their sheets. An insidious power game is in play, with its rules changing like music beats at the parties in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Ibiza. Behind closed doors and beautifying filters lies a raw reality where Mika’s control over her mind and body is at stake. But Mika rips apart relationship prejudices and explores what really makes our pulses quicken in matters of the modern heart.


Two Swedish girls have been found dead on the outskirts of Brussels. Circumstances indicating a ruthless trafficking activities and the biker gang Blackhearts branch in Sweden. When another girl disappears from the same area sees the A group a shocking pattern. Shortly after found a suspected kidnappers brutally murdered and the link to Blackhearts becomes suddenly even more puzzling. Is there anyone else who is behind? The missing girl's fate now rests entirely in the A-team hands.


Through a christmas decorated Stockholm staggers a half naked and beaten woman. The tracks lead police to a warehouse with illegal medical preparations that can be linked to international smuggling organization Maximus. According to Interpol is the organization's principal is likely in Sweden and the A-group assignment is to find him. The investigation is lined with a number bisara findings in a series of women found beaten and murdered. The victims have in common is that they are found with white pillowcases over their heads.


The explosion is powerful and devastation total when a T-train explodes in Stockholm's subway system, one night in November. The country is in shock but when some who call themselves "Siffins Sacred rider" takes the blame in an anonymous call to the A group manages to trace, so it is believed to be close to an arrest. What police do not know is that this is only the beginning of a hunting bordered by political extremism, hatred and death.


A series of brutal murders of Polish women who secretly hiding in Sweden becomes the new A - team first case. The victims prove to be key witnesses in a major lawsuit against the Polish mafia . Three of them have been found murdered in the space of a few days , two missing and the hope is that they are still alive. Detective Kerstin Holm get command when the hunt for a ruthless killer and his shady victim begins.


It is a familiar fact that moving in together can be complicated. Expect additional trouble if both parties happen to be highly pedantic people with extreme control issues.


An elite, seven-member team is tasked with solving the most complex crimes in Sweden, from murder and drug trafficking to espionage.