Alexandr Gorchilin

A story about the 90s, when the music video and advertising industry exploded.

Abstraction about love and search, oblivion and rebirth. The story unfolds in a conventional space that vaguely resembles our world - one scene smoothly changes into another, and with it the characters of the characters and their relationships, music and visual images change.

A small but powerful orchestra with strict melodies and rhythms in the spirit of “Avia” unleashes a mechanical frenzy: artists under a thick layer of make-up are throwing replicas from Harms' stories and notebooks. Ultimately, this plotless musical by Maxim Didenko with the artists of the Gogol Center claims to incarnate (literally, from the word “flesh”) the universe of a unique writer, the demiurge of a dislocated reality.

Sergei and Kira were considered the most beautiful couple of bohemian Petersburg in the early nineties. They were intellectuals in love with cinema. But a happy romantic story turned into a tough drama. She fled to another city, to another life, to another love. But he remained in St. Petersburg and died soon after the divorce. And only seventeen years later, the beautiful and successful Kira realizes that she has no more chances for happiness, since her heart is forever given to Sergey.

The story of a couple entangled in string theory and their own relationships. An excursion to the quantum multiverse, where every action of the heroes, every decision they make, exists in all possible variants simultaneously.

Mexico. 1940. The agent of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) Ramon Merkader comes to the house of Leon Trotsky. Under a long leather raincoat he hides an ice pick. He is here to kill the unsuspecting Russian revolutionary. Moscow. 2019. The modest honours pupil Yura helps his schoolmate Masha in history. They just study Merkader’s murder of Trotsky. The uninhibited Masha decides to tempt nerdy Yura. The director of studies comes into the classroom in the most intense moment. Afterwards the school principal calls in the class teacher of Masha and Yura for a talk. He considers that such an irresponsible teacher has no place at the school and is set to dismiss her. The school bell rings. As if by magic, the endings of these three stories intertwine, giving rise to a new surprising reading of the known events.

Sometimes you are told that the thing you believe in and that which really is does not exist or has never existed. Unemployed Roma (25 years old) is preparing for his first world championship in playing an imaginary guitar in the city of Oulu (Finland). Will the close Roma support his path to success?


They have been abandoned in a world adorned with concepts such as family, friendship, love, and opportunities. In search of answers to their questions, they devour themselves like a chemical substance that corrodes the world around, in order to eventually learn not to listen but to hear, not to look but to see. And to find their way.


Leningrad, one summer in the early eighties. Smuggling LP’s by Lou Reed and David Bowie, the underground rock scene is boiling ahead of the Perestroika. Mike and his beautiful wife Natasha meet with young Viktor Tsoï. Together with friends, they will change the destiny of rock’n’roll in the Soviet Union.


This film was conceived as a continuation of the work of Igor Grigoriev "Holidays of the Revolution", filmed in 1972. The image of the future is the most important theme of the holidays a hundred years ago. Today, in the coming “future,” we are more likely to celebrate the events of the past or the present. Each other is followed by Lenin's birthday, a rock festival, a bow day, New Year, private celebrations. All these days merge into one - “red day”.

A story about two Moscow young girls one of them is trying to become an architect and other is a beginner singer.

A wannabe model from a small Russian town robs a local bank to fund her modeling career.


Romantic stories of three friends...


Natasha is a lonely, middle-aged admin employee at the zoo who still lives at home with her mother. One day her life is turned upside down when she discovers she has grown a tail…


Veniamin, a teenager in the midst of a mystical crisis, has his mother, schoolmates and entire high school turned upside down by his questions. - Can girls go to their swimming classes in bikinis? - Does sex education have a place in school? - Should the theory of evolution be taught as part of the Natural Sciences? The adults are soon overwhelmed by the certitudes of the youngster who swears only by Scripture. No one but Elena, his biology teacher, will alone challenge him on his own ground.


In the summer of 2014, a group of actors of the Gogol Center (Moscow) and the State Academic Drama Theater named after Fedor Volkov (Yaroslavl), headed by Kirill Serebrennikov, went on an expedition to the Yaroslavl region. The purpose of the expedition is to prepare a play based on the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Who is to live well in Russia". The theater studied life, read a Nekrasov poem together with residents of villages and cities, wrote down documentary monologues of people, asked each person one of the main questions of the poem and today's life: “Who should live well in Russia?” The artist of "The Seventh Studio" Alexander Gorchilin and cameraman Ksenia Sereda recorded every second of this amazing research trip.

Summer. During the admission to the acting school, Lisa gets acquainted with one of the entrants and leads him to the sculpture workshop of her father, where they spend several days together. In a closed space, their relationship becomes a game. Without borders, without time, without skin. An intimate depiction of a passionate, and sometimes violent, relationship between two young actors at an acting school in St Petersburg.

Sasha is a young girl living in a block flat with her family in Moscow. Once she falls in love with Antonin, a bohemian artist and hard drinker. Their short love affair is pulling her down, to the bottom of her subconscious. Overwhelmed with beautiful and frightening visions, she starts to paint - violently, until she can stand on her feet.


In the flow of ordinary days and thoughts trying to outrun the wind, sometimes there is a situation when it is necessary to make a choice and give up your sincere loneliness.

A day in the life of a typical character of Russian history, "the little man": a school teacher of Russian language and literature. An intellectual and his problems at the beginning of the 21st century. A day in the life of the country which Yesenin loved. About a country that still has hope...


An ordinary family - Sergey, Lena and two children - are experiencing another family crisis. Love has cooled down for a long time, the couple forgot what they were striving for, and most importantly, they no longer remember why they were together. Misunderstanding and understatement in the family leads to the fact that Lena begins to suspect her faithful of virtual treason - too much time Sergey spends on the computer in the Internet chat. To return her husband, Lena goes to Chat under the guise of a 20-year-old girl. Sergei, who does not suspect that this is his wife, completely forgets about the existence of the real Lena. A virtual romance is already threatening to break up in a real family, but the case intervenes ...

2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.

Unforgettable karaoke with Javid by Gogolevim and his famous friends.