Alexandr Ronis

Varvara was born in Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century. And the first wedding she saw was her mother’s wedding. Years passed, the girl grew, matured, the world around changed ... Her generation had to go through many trials - revolution, military communism, NEP, war ... At the weddings that Varvara had a chance to visit, every era and love story was captured in snapshots a life.

The story unfolds in St. Petersburg during the season of White Nights, when night becomes curiously indistinguishable from day. Masha has struck it lucky: she is about to wed an American, Tim, eager to bring home a beautiful Russian wife. This marriage can take her light-years beyond her simple provincial roots, but for now Masha has a family to take care of, and she dutifully sends all the wages she earns to them. To save money she even dupes her fiancée by returning the expensive wedding dress he has bought for her to the boutique and sawing an identical one for herself. The night before the wedding Masha hastens to meet Tim, but fails to make it to the other side of the River Neva before the drawbridge is raised. The betrothed find themselves standing on the pavement with the mighty river between them...

2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.