Alexandr Volkhonsky

Reflections of the shift worker Ivan, who, due to life circumstances, overcomes more than 9000 km to return home. On his way he meets many interesting people: military, students, mothers with children, men, women, old people. The landscapes outside the window, time zones, people are changing. But their stories remain, stories about life, love, hope and faith.

The touching love story of a deaf fisherman and singer from a coastal cafe.


A young Cuban of Russian origin Ivan returns to his historical homeland and immediately becomes involved in a cycle of events that put him in front of a serious choice.

In Yekaterinburg over the Christmas period, shop assistant Lenka Shabadinova experiences a number of incredible events and unexpected meetings.


Outside the gates of the psychiatric hospital was 40-years-male with the development of 10-year-old child nicknamed Baby. In his pocket he had a ticket on the train, in the hands of the suitcase. But he can't get far. At the station when boarding the train, he immediately gets into trouble and loses his suitcase. At the same time he still gets from the police. Two teenagers, a brother and sister — kit and Alenka, left without a home and without parents, living in an old abandoned railway car, let him spend the night. The kid is sincerely attached to them and begins to take an active part in their hard free homeless life.