Alexandra Zetterberg

Several dead bodies have been found in Gothenburg striking fear into the city's population. We follow Goran Lidman who will head the task of tracing the offender. Clues lead to suspicions of an occult group. The former reverend Gabriella, who has her own reasons for wanting to stop the killings, offers Lidman her help. As Lidman embarks on an involuntary collaboration he must reluctantly accept a world beyond his own understanding in order to stop the perpetrator of the killings. —Simon Kölle, Rasmus Tirzitis


Based on Kristian Lundberg's novel about Anders, who goes from acclaimed author to physical worker at the bottom of society. He can no longer support himself through his cultural work and is forced to start anew, as a worker in Malmö harbour, at a place called 'The Yard'.


Five men break into Frank Wagner's apartment. Frank is able to escape and seeks out the help of Johan Falk. Has someone leaked that Frank is working with the police? Frank and John do not know who knows what and who they can trust.


A feather-light comedy from 1920's Mölle with Nils Poppe and the Gaubier ballet. The play is about a grey aged bachelor who suddenly becomes every woman's dream prince when a rumor starts to circulate that he used to have a relationship with a famous movie star.


A young couple, Sophia and Freddie has just got their first baby, but this little thing makes their lives way to complicated and difficult for them to handle. They both have jobs, Sophia is an actress and Freddie a balloon-flier, which makes it tough to be home with the baby and such. They also have to deal with Sophia´s family, which includes a depressed dad, a close to senile mother, and two eccentric sisters. The family life is nothing what Sophia and Freddie expected.
