Alexandria Payne

When a shut-in dies alone and returns as a housebound ghost, he finds himself at the mercy of a world that didn’t even notice he was gone.

A comedy that follows a group of friends as they navigate their way through the freedoms and responsibilities of unsupervised adulthood.


Following a worldwide event known as The Reset, humanity rebuilds a society with aging mechanics where gleaming technology once stood. Surveillance now the status quo, society is slowly putting its shattered pieces back together under a watchful eye. After a friend’s suicide leaves behind a mysterious computer drive, a young computer prodigy and a shadowy hacker join together to decipher the clues that he’s left behind. The youthful creators of Jackrabbit have successfully constructed a world, which we haven’t previously seen on film. Mixing retro production design with slick storytelling, they deliver a cinematic dissonance that will result in a shock to the senses.


Several twentysomethings head out into the woods to drink, smoke, and make out. What they don't realize is that one of them is ready to push them all as far as it takes to discover their true will.


A dark social satire inspired by the real life conspiracy theory known as Pizzagate. An amateur journalist and a far-right militiaman team up to expose the ugly truth behind rumors involving sex cults, a pizza place, and the lizard people.