Alexandru Struțeanu

A witty and cheerful musical comedy made under the Communist regime.


The humorous adventures of an all-male team of cyclists training for an upcoming important bike race.


Vying for Principality of Moldavia's throne the descendants of Prince Stephen the Great start a bloody civil war in 1612.


A kid looses his dog, which went to spend some time with a circus troupe.


Rumania's entry in the 1958 Cannes Film Festival was the excessively melodramatic Ciulinii Bărăganului. The title translates as Fools of Bărăgan, in reference to a band of beleaguered feudal Rumanian peasants. But these are no fools: instead, they are fearless freedom fighters, organizing a brave (though foredoomed) revolt against the tyranny of the landowners. The parallels drawn between the people of Bărăgan and Russia's revolutionary leaders are all but impossible to miss. It would have been nice, however, if the story had not been told in such a heavy-handed, spell-it-all-out fashion.


Follows the inner transformation of a man who tried to fight his demon, the love for money, and lost.
