Alexey Borzunov

Sultan Beketovich learned from his wife that in the distant Russian lands of Prince Vladimir and his wife Apraxia born hero Vol'ga. This news excited the great Sultan - by prophecy, his wife, is from the hand of Vol'ga Beketovich was destined to die. Is Vol'ga able to overcome the power of evil spells Sultanov's wife and his loyal soldiers?

Based on fairy tales and anecdotes about Russian tsar Peter the Great and his jester Balakirev.

A friendly moose lets an insect hitch a ride on his antlers. But the moose is soon taken advantage of, as more and more forest creatures (including a bear!) take up residence in his antlers. How can the moose get rid of these unwanted guests? Based on a Dr. Seuss story.


A riotous dinner party where the guests are invisible to the viewer.


According to the story of the same name by Anatoli Kalinin. The love story of Antonina and the battalion commander Nikitin, whom she sheltered after a severe wound. Antonina Kashirina is wanted to be excluded from the party, accusing the Don Cossack woman living in the territory occupied by the Germans during the war. They don't believe that she hid and treated a wounded Soviet officer. Unable to withstand insulting suspicions, she leaves the party committee bureau. On the way home, Tonya recalls how she picked up a bleeding artillery — the battalion commander Nikitin, she hid him and treated him as she fell in love...


A first episode in the trilogy about the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazi occupation of Russia during WWII. The film is set in August of 1941, when the Nazi forces invaded and occupied the European part of Russia. Major Mlynsky is in charge of the special group of partisans. His group is absorbing other small groups of Russian soldiers, who managed to survive from the attacks of the overwhelming Nazi forces. The Nazi Armies are advancing to Moscow. Major Mlynsky is organizing the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazis, behind the enemy lines.


Pupils of the ordinary high school organize a “secret society” under the motto “Help the offended and weak, avenge widers and upstarts!” The new pioneer leader supports the children, and soon he manages to make the school life of the children truly fascinating.


A funny story about Mishka Strekachyov and his remarkable journey across the Soviet Union.
