Alexey Karaev

The animated film “Blue Pants” is based on the poem by Dr. Syuz “What am I afraid of?The film tells in a light and playful way about what can happen if you don't take care of your things.

The animated film is based on a poem by the Ossetian poet Kosta Khetagurova. In a joking form, it tells how the hero of the film outwitted his very bad habit and life in the village improved.

A careless mother is going on a date with another fan and, in order to brighten up her daughter's loneliness, leaves her alone with a pink doll - the same doll that "wanders around the city and why it is vain to destroy little children". The girl considers the doll to be very realistic, therefore she associates it with herself, and herself with her mother. So begin the serious experiences of a girl who understands that this doll bought off her. At night, the girl dreams a terrible dream in which the doll embodies all her fears... "Pink Doll" creates the illusion of a spellbound fall into the abyss of children's dreams, fantasies and nightmares. The sensual effect is achieved by the game of scale and angle, the nervous rhythm of intraframe movement and graphic thickening of reality.

Shakespeare: The Animated Tales (also known as The Animated Shakespeare) is a series of twelve half-hour animated television adaptations of the plays of William Shakespeare, originally broadcast on BBC2 between 1992 and 1994. As You Like It is animated using watercolours on glass.


No one will argue that fashion is a terrible force. But it’s bad when people follow it blindly, turning their appearance into a cult.

A friendly moose lets an insect hitch a ride on his antlers. But the moose is soon taken advantage of, as more and more forest creatures (including a bear!) take up residence in his antlers. How can the moose get rid of these unwanted guests? Based on a Dr. Seuss story.


"The Cat in the Cap " - a drawn cartoon - the film adaptation of the book " Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss , thesis directed by Alexei Karaev.
