Alexey Uchitel

By the age of twenty, Eduard Streltsov has everything one can dream of: talent, fame and love. He is the rising star of Soviet football. The whole country, with bated breath, expects victory from the national team at the upcoming World Cup where Streltsov is to face the great Brazilian football player Pelé. However, two days before the departure of the team, the sportsman’s enemies manage to destroy his career. When the door to big sport seems to be closed for good, Streltsov has to re-enter the field and prove that he is a true champion who is worth everybody’s love.


August 15, 1990. Viktor Tsoi, the Soviet Union’s most famous rock star, a symbol of freedom and change, dies in an accident on a Latvian highway. The bus driver who was involved in the tragic accident will bring his body back to Leningrad. A party of mourners — Tsoi’s wife and her new boyfriend, his mistress, his producer, his young son and an obsessed photographer — are part of the trip back. This is going to be a long trip, the perfect occasion for an agonizing unravelling of love, jealousy, ambition, and greed.

A young hunter sets off an a journey to find a girl he saw on his computer.

The dreams of passionate street dancer Anton are crushed when an accidental injury makes him deaf. But it is exactly at this difficult time that he meets his true love and finds his vocation. Anton learns to listen to the music that comes from the inside and to create his own music through a dance that will never be the same. He starts to teach dancing to kids with hearing impairments and prepares a unique act with them. He takes great risks joining his former team with deaf kids for a new dance to take part in the World Championship.


Russian Russian emperor and the ballerina who established the glory of Russian ballet. A passion that could change Russian history. A love that has become a legend. There are several days in every person's life that can change it forever. When the most important thing happens. You turn around at the voice of love. And you make a choice. But if the ruler of the empire falls in love with a dancer who is maddening with her beauty… The Assumption Cathedral, the Kremlin, the Khodynka Field, the royal palaces, the stages of the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theaters — where the heart of eternal Russia beats.

The film is about trying to find yourself through a relationship with relatives who are very far away.

The story of the short but brilliant life of Ergasha Khamraeva, actor and playwright of the Soviet cinema who laid the foundations of the new art in Uzbekistan. The film is dedicated to those who fell during the Great Patriotic War.

A desperate Russian tourist goes to the Monastery of Temptation in Israel to find an elder healer called Amun to hopefully save his dying son s life. His search leads him to the Judaean desert. Thirst and scalding sun bring the traveler to complete exhaustion but his son s life is at stake and there s no way back. Even though the protagonist does not believe in miracles he completes his journey and receives salvation.

The love story of the famous ballet dancer Mathilde Kschessinska and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.


Self-portrait. In 1998 our family came under armed attack. We were able to escape and we fled Grozny. We have been silent about it since.


Tamerlane, in order to gain independence and be able to marry his beloved Amina, leaves Grozny for the mountains to work as a shepherd.

Four best friends. They've been to war, they've seen life, but they are still passionate, young and willing to serve their country. They found their place at OMON - Russian Special Police Squad. They can count only on each other, and their real family is themselves. After working hours they become simple guys with ordinary dreams like family and comfort. But life changes when once in a night club the friends incidentally get in a fight with the local mafia. It turns out that they have no fear and they are ready to stand for each other whatever happens.


The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night.


A village so small all the residents not only knows each other, but also can easily recognize the neighbor's cow face a frightful news. It was announced on TV that the most powerful coronal mass ejection in the Earth's history would take place. Humankind has only 24 hours left. The world runs mad in different ways getting ready for the apocalypse, and a unique local scenario of waving the life goodbye is inverted in the village. Tables are put together, pies are baked, and some gather strength and courage to make the most important decisions of their lives... But what about the doomsday? It just doesn't arrive. Oops, got it wrong! The situation is heating up. Everybody realize they can't go on as they did before.


Mother and daughter, forced migrants from Chechnya who survived the war. Both lost their husbands. Now they live in a small town with the belief that everything will work out.

Weary of Moscow, a young photographer sets out for the Kola Peninsula in order to document the life of the local fishing communities whose inhabitants have lived in close proximity to the sea for centuries. The director portrays the wild beauty of this gradually disappearing world through a series of poetic images.


On a New year Eve Masha gets a bird which is ready to fulfill her 7 wishes...


On a cold winter’s day Sergey Sobolev, a major at the local police office, is driving to the hospital where his wife is about to give birth to their child. High from happiness, he’s driving too fast and runs down a boy on a passage walk, who dies. Now the major has only two options: go to prison or conceal the crime. Sobolev decides to compromise with his conscience and calls on a colleague to help him out. But the case turns out to be messy and when Sobolev finally changes his mind and tries to make up for his deed, it’s already too late…


Big cities are full of lonely people.


Portrait of a generation of modern young people. Each of them is asked only one question: "What do you care about most of all? What do you worry about?".

On the fate of small businesses in Russia. Five completely different stories about entrepreneurs, their successes and failures, the joys and complexities of their business.

The action takes place shortly after the end of the Second World War in the Siberian hinterland, among Russians and Germans with damaged personal stories and a strange transformation: the victors seem to be crawling into the skins of the defeated, and vice versa. Ignat, is the embodiment of the larger-than-life image of the Soviet victorious warrior who, in fact, proves to be shell-shocked, sick and broken, although not completely destroyed. Trains become fetish for the heroes of the film, and speed becomes a mania; they virtually become one with their steam engines, while the machines take on human names. The heroes set up an almost fatal race in the Siberian forest, risking their own lives and those of others.


Early autumn, godforsaken Russian countryside. A local hunter Michail witnesses a skirmish in the middle of the forest - three men want to kill the forth, Andrey. Kind-hearted Michail helps Andrey escape and together they run from the villains who chase them. Thus, two totally different men start a long and dangerous journey together, constantly arguing with each other regarding their ideology, morals and opinions about life. But life will put everything on its place and make the men understand who they really are.


A funny comedy about the Russian footfall team and their adventures during the World Cup.


The story of a young Chechen and his Russian captor during a war between Russia and Chechnya.


Belorussia, summer 1942. The war has moved on, far off to the east. The life of a small town where the German authorities of the region have set themselves up is getting back to "normal". The Germans study Russian, flirt with the local girls, the women wash their clothes and feed them. They have to carry on somehow... But suddenly the teenage son of the film's heroine decides to run away to the partisans and blows up a German train so that they could accept him. He gets caught and the Germans have to execute him in order "to teach others a lesson". That's the order and it can't be disobeyed. The Germans know that this execution will bring an end to their peaceful lives. The local commandant understands this better than anyone as he is already involved in a close relationship with the boy's mother. But he can't ignore an order from his commanders...


Ilya lives in Moscow; Nina lives in St. Petersburg. Ilya has a beautiful wife and a daughter; Nina's husband is an artist, and they have a young son. Nina occasionally travels to Moscow to see her partners in the publishing industry. Ilya sometimes comes to St. Petersburg on business. But more often they are in the train between St. Petersburg and Moscow just to see each other. Because they have an affair.


A story of a simple, naive Russian man Konek and the people around him: his love and her sister and a mysterious man. The film is set in 1957, time of changes, time of waiting for something big to happen.


Today’s twenty-something Russians are the first generation in the country’s post-communist history to have grown up free. Their twenties are the age of freedom, of fast-changing events and intense emotions. Perhaps only at this age they can live a whole life in one day. A young girl and her two accident companions walk halfway around St.-Petersburg; they flirt and tease each other, and for ninety minutes they act out a real-time romantic drama. This stroll is full of laughter and tears against a backdrop of the hustle and bustle of the streets.


A tragic story of love and loneliness - this is the unknown life of the great Russian writer Ivan Bunin. The confused love story that involved Bunin, his wife Vera, the young poet Galina Plotnikova, opera singer Marga Kovtun and literary man Leonid Gurov. A work of great honesty and piercing psychology.


A detective-dramatic chronicle of love adventures of the famous Russian ballerina Olga Spesivtseva, nicknamed by contemporaries Red Giselle. It was Giselle who immortalized her name in 1924. It was "Giselle" that caused the psychic catastrophe in 1942.


The portrait of the creator of the Kino group, consisting of the thoughts and memories of people who loved him, appears before the audience as a musical prophecy of a talented artist about his own life.


On the banks of the Obvodny Canal in St. Petersburg there are three crazy houses, three Houses of Culture, a spiritual academy, a pub ... This movie is a cut-off of the era, watching our life, and those around us. Thinking about where the line between reality and insanity lies.

Film about Mitki - a creative group of St. Petersburg artists, writers and musicians who joined them, - went on a trip to Europe.

Documentary — featuring both interviews and live footage — about underground rock music in Russia, during the last years of the Perestroika.


About the best discos in the USSR - in Moscow, Riga, Novosibirsk, Dubna, etc., with comments by the Deputy Minister of Culture of the USSR Golubtsova G.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada.


Production project of Alexey Uchitel

Inspired by the words of a random beauty, Slava quits his job as a freight forwarder and his wife Masha, who does not understand him, for the sake of a dream of becoming a professional psychic. The scope of his abilities is dowsing. And now he scans passers-by in the passages, selflessly looking for the sources of water in the gardens and lives with the guard in the booth.

Music fairy tale

After the sudden death of his father, Yegor returns to the village, intending to quickly sell the inherited land with a herd of cows, pay off his father's debts and take his younger brother to the city. Local businessman Gleb has the documents for the deal ready. But the brother is categorically against and, under cover of night, leads the herd in an unknown direction. The more Yegor immerses himself in what is happening, the more transparent the true motives of Gleb become, who will stop at nothing for the sake of money. The only thing that he did not take into account in his calculations was the mystical forces guarding the local lands.

A film about the Russian army in Palmyra

An unusual illness — fear of movement — comes over Dmitry Shostakovich, depriving him not only of performing, but also of composing music. In order to receive a diagnosis from American doctors, the composer embarks on a journey from Europe to America aboard a legendary Soviet cruise ship. The origins of his illness take us into the past, and everything snowballs from here: from breaking up with his wife to a denunciation of him by his cast-off lover; from an orchestra withdrawing to rehearse a new symphony, to an unexpected call from Stalin. The symphony will be performed, but at what cost?

Devoted to the last days of Soviet writer, poet, and Gulag survivor Varlam Shalamov, this film follows the efforts of two of Shalamov’s most devoted admirers to preserve the author’s legacy. Having lost his sight and hearing and living in a retirement home, he carried on doing the only thing that mattered to him — writing — until his final breath. This film is a testament to the value of writings that tell the unpalatable truths of the 20th century. To evoke the gritty texture of the Soviet world, Sententia is shot on 16mm black and white film.