Alexis Langlois

Nearly 3 hours of LGBTQ and Coming-of-Age short films and music videos await you in the debut of Altered Innocence’s cinematic mixtape supreme! Films from established auteurs like Peter Strickland, Cam Archer, João Nicolau, and Yann Gonzalez join fresh new voices such as Alexis Langlois, Shaun Hughes, Caroline Poggi, and Jonathan Vinel. Cruising, dancing, naked wrestling, trans terrorism, first love, bullies, femme fatales, band practice, and more is in store!

Kalthoum and her girlfriends sip cocktails, look for sex on the internet, impatiently want love and, once again, suffer the transphobic insults of strangers. Today is going to be different though ; today, the four friends will imagine their revenge. A sour film that offers to get revenge from the mundane intolerance in the best possible way : by laughing really hard !

Outside, things are rumbling. We must go out, rebel, but it's too hard.

First grief of love, Billie is devastated. The jokes of her girlfriends, the advice of her teachers and the sweet words of her mother intertwine and resonate like old chatter. Nothing to do, Billie is inconsolable.

On a Sunday morning, a group of young revelers enter a large, vacated apartment. Tired drag queens mix with debauched grannies, drunken vagrants and shy virgins over the course of the morning.

Ablou is a young man prisoner of a dream and a park. He meets strange characters who try to lock him up a little more in this long sleep.

Looking for a place where they can live their romantic idyll, a love triangle ‘the weirdos’ will go on multiple dates, good and bad, that will eventually rush them to a tragic end.

Two men meet in a park: Haldern has on a black balaclava, while Ablou is wearing white underpants. The film is based on choreography by Daniel Larrieu, who was invited to "play with the story board" of Alfred Jarry's book "Haldernablou", with illustrations by Tom de Pékin.

At the edge of a cliff, three naked men perform a strange ceremony. Suddenly, a creature emerges and kills the three pagans. At this point, we switch to another space-time, where some hybrid beings are born. Together, they celebrate the victory of falsehood and artifice…


Directed by Alexis Langlois