Alfredo Varela

Semi-employed street musician butts heads with his wife and grown(ish) children because of his irresponsible lifestyle. Then he lucks into a cushy government job.


Young rural-gentry dude sows wild oats, settles down to raise a family, and fights in the Revolution, all at the same time.


Nicolasa sells tacos near a movie studio and her popularity threatens the restaurant's own studies. She drops the food when seeing actor Armando performing and the director expels her out.


La India Maria becomes the municipal president due to a ballot typo.


Two Air force pilots are best friends in that competitive, always picking fights with each other way.


Boy/girl stuff at a health spa that's famous for aphrodisiac waters.

Upon hearing the news of Madero's death, Porfirio Alcalá and his four cousins interrupt their peaceful lives as farmers to again join the Mexican Revolution.


A whore house is transformed into a decent household by a respectable man.


Jewel-thief and his girlfriend try to go straight.


Three-episode sex farce.


Roberto is tired of his life as an office worker in Mexico City, so he moves to Acapulco to try his luck as a "Latin lover".

Blended family comedy/drama -- the narrative hook is that the two original families are fans of opposing soccer teams.


Manuel, the manager of the (real-life) Hotel Condado Beach in San Juan, and his assistant Paquito decide to promote their establishment by offering free "honeymoons in Puerto Rico" to newlywed couples.


Aurelio is a shark fisherman who works on the coast of Tabasco, Mexico. He works hard and sends money to his wife and children that live in Mexico City. He seems very happy in the coast --he even has a romance with a native girl-- although he misses his family. One day he decides to go back to Mexico City where his brother in law is waiting to invite him into a busines. Aurelio never gets to fit his new life in the city where "even the bed is soft". He decides to turne back where the life he loves is


Three newlywed couples and the priest who married them face problems imposed on them by unquestioning adherence to patriarchal values.

Five cowboy avengers avenging. Cowboyishly.


Honeymooner has trouble adapting to the idea of consummating her marriage.


Cantinflas is a man who hangs around the studios and helps anyone who needs his advice while at the same time envisioning his own versions of how certain scenes should be shot. Both angles provide ample opportunities for very witty, subtle barbs at the foibles of the industry.


Cowboy justice, Five-avenger team up. #2 in series of two.


Gritty-western (B&W/1962 style) about bounty hunters.

Female CEO hires a man to pass as her husband and act as figurehead of her business concerns.

Paloma is bound and determined to kill the heck out of the guy that dishonored her sister, but mistaken identities and stuff.

Comical crises in the household of a newlywed couple.

A busfull of tourists arrives in Acapulco; each passenger has his/her little chunk of drama or comedy.


Mad scientist brings his dead mad scientist grandfather back to life and makes a Frankenstein-type monster out of him.


Called to the home of a scientist to deal with a simple electrical problem, bumbling electrician Bartolo finds himself aboard a rocket headed for the moon!


Nun tries to heal the relationship between a six-year-old boy and his estranged father.


Mad scientist gives Atomic Powers to a 98 pound weakling.


Rom-com set during Mexican Revolution.


Heaven Can Wait scenario; a young woman dies forty years ahead of schedule because her guardian angel made a mistake... so the divine powers that be put her back on earth in a new body.


Struggling musician finally reaches the big time, then a scheming gold-digger gets her hooks into him.

A couple of people cover up their own mishandling of other people's money by claiming to have been robbed by a masked bandit. When the law comes looking into the situation, it becomes necessary to find someone to impersonate that bandit. Remake of El Tigre De Jalisco (1947).


Know what this is about?

Revolutionist and Army General compete for a woman


Son of a first family returns to his home town, reconciles with his pops, pitches woo at the young lady from another First Family and gets rampy with his rival for her affections.

Small-town elects a female mayor. She suppresses all the time-honored masculine pastimes, and the men rebel.


Comical misadventures of a film crew trying to get their damn musical filmed.


A useless and bloody vendetta has been going on for ages between two families in this Mexican village. Men, sons, have killed each other for generations, for a so-called conception of honor in a revenge that never ends since it is also triggered by people of the village. Now, today, there are only two sons left, one in each family. One has become a doctor in the big city and his culture is modern. The other last one - of the other family - hasn't left the village and is waiting for the doctor to come "home" as he plans to kill him, to settle this war on this matter of honor once and for all. And the people of the village want blood.


Dead man's will reveals he had three wives.


Two young sweethearts get married, and then are made to believe that she's his illegitimate half-sister.


The Peralta brothers work in the countryside the Alto Parana. There they will meet subhuman working conditions. Finally, the workers rise and harshly punish their exploiters.


Rom-com in charro hats.

The soul of a dead baseball player finds a human host to occupy so it can achieve some career goals it hadn't accomplished during its lifetime. Riotous hijinks ensue.


A humble bartender falls into a world of gambling and vices, losing everything.

Romantic comedy: housemaid and her employer's oldest son.


Bachelor pretends that he got married, thinking that will stop his aunt from trying to play matchmaker.


Many many mistaken identities and impostures overlapping among a group of husbands, wives and others.

The movie starts with Braulio Peláez (Pedro Infante), a schoolteacher, having just fallen off his horse, representing the situation he and his family are in. The next scenes introduce the viewer to his family and their poor financial and social situation. As Braulio stumbles around looking for his glasses, he causes a famous film star, Alfonso de Madrazo (Rafael Alcaide) to crash his car. Braulio offers him to eat at his house as an apology. Braulio's sister and mother, big film fans, immediately recognise Alfonso and attempt to get him to bring the girl, Luisa Peláez (Irma Dolores) to Mexico City to become a film star. Alfonso agrees and tells them to come to the capital.


Pre-Revolutionary setting; class conflicts and a romance across class-boundaries.

Bratty rich girl plays practical jokes on the man that she'll obviously end up marrying.


Mistaken identity farce; heiress has to marry to receive an inheritance.


Venice Film Festival 1948


Cantinflas is the apprentice of a renowned scientist, Prof. Arquimides Monteagudo (Carlos Martinez Baena). But Cantinflas has the soul of a poet rather than a serious researcher, and he wants to find the formula that achieves the immortality of the roses. Nevertheless, after the death of Prof. Monteagudo, Cantinflas will be chased by a ferocious corporative group, who wants to steal the secret formula of a cheaper fuel named "carburex", because they think that our friend is the only person who knows the composition


Rom-com scheming; wealthy landowner wants to seduce one of his tenants, but she wants the other guy...

Dark romantic melodrama, played out with high-stakes card games and cockfights.


Brilliant young doctor discovers his wife doesn't want to bear children, so he finds someone else to exxperience fatherhood with.

College-educated emigre has to get macho when he returns home to the Venezuelan outback.


Socialist librarian gets mixed up in the family life of a spoiled rich girl and her screwball family.

Headmistress of a girl's school and one of her pupils get into romantic-comedy trouble trying to keep their lies straight.


Uncultured nouveau- riche wants to be received in high society. Loose adaptation of Moliere.


Musical comedy about a pastry chef and his daughter in the 1830s


After drinking a special concoction made of various types of alcohol, the once-timid Ramon (Pedro Infante) suddenly turns into a brawler and extroverted ladies' man. With his newfound confidence, Ramon attempts to win the heart of the woman (María Antonieta Pons) he loves. Full of enjoyable songs and funny scenes, this entertaining Mexican musical centers on a wealthy man who finally realizes that money can't buy him love.


Spanish immigrant wants his sons to join him in running his business, but they all have other ambitions.


Peasant farmer and landowner are rivals for a woman. Sequel to Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes.


Before marrying María Eugenia, landowner Carlos are away to visit her godmother to break the promise to marry his daughter. The godmother is dying, Carlos quiets and everything takes an unexpected course.


Nostalgic comedy about medical students circa 1905.

Young couple are trapped in an isolated mansion while members of a criminal gang are killing each other off on the premises.


Band of outlaws stumble across an espionage ring of Axis agents embedded in an out-of-the-way hacienda.


Globe-hopping playboy bachelor is getting on in years, so he invites his five international children to come live with him.


Every single student at Uni flips over the young woman that lives in the building across the street from the Commons. She's a professor's daughter... Hijinks ensue.


Divorced mother struggles to raise her large family.


A gang of thieves has jeopardized the city and even the police, whose chief urges their forces to captured the band within 48 hours. Meanwhile, band members meet in a cafe run by a widow and her daughter and her suitor, Cantinflas, who maintains a scuffle with the robbers running all at the station. Since then, Cantinflas become a member of the police force for special missions.


Cantinflas, the boyfriend of the servant of a rich industrial man, gets into the house in order to kill a mad dog. Suddenly this man appears so the servant tells him that Cantinflas is his wife's brother (Leonardo), who had been lost for years. The rich man then remembers that his father in law's testament could only be paid when all brothers get together, so treats Cantinflas, a real bum, as a king.


Shabby-genteel big city family tries to marry their daughter off to a wealthy landowner from the southern provinces.
