Alice Friedland

Softcore film originally shown in 3D.


Cosmo Vittelli, the proprietor of a sleazy, low-rent Hollywood cabaret, has a real affection for the women who strip in his peepshows and the staff who keep up his dingy establishment. He also has a major gambling problem that has gotten him in trouble before. When Cosmo loses big-time at an underground casino run by mobster Mort, he isn't able to pay up. Mort then offers Cosmo the chance to pay back his debt by knocking off a pesky, Mafia-protected bookie.


A middle-aged man buys a plant with a sexy voice that develops a craving for insects, frogs, dogs, humans...


In a Middle Eastern country, a traveling American saves the life of the local sheik. In gratitude, the sheik takes him to The Street of a Thouand Pleasures, where he can choose from any of hundreds (actually, 71) of nude and semi-nude women.


Satan lets Jezebel return to earth to deliver the soul of a blonde virgin named Rachel by taking over her body. However, Jezebel gets more than she bargained for.


A private detective journeys to Africa to find a legenday white gorilla. The gorilla turns out to be an escaped Nazi war criminal.


A psychiatrist plots to murder his wife, but with a new twist: he will brainwash a patient he is treating into committing the crime.


A sick-o physician is obsessively dedicated to sexually ravishing every girl who crosses his twisted path. The press book promises "drugs for sex, fetishism, violence, lesbianism, voodooism, exhibitionism and raw hippie love... climaxing in a suspenseful surprise ending." The trailer shows lots of naked chicks and, to really get your engine running, actual birth-of-a-baby footage.

Innovative sixties softcore. Lenore and Suzanne are swinging 60s chicks who share a swank apartment and a Lincoln Continental financed by their rich, bankrolling daddies.
