Alice Nellis

A film about two mortal enemies - a little mouse Whizzy and Whitebelly the fox, who after an unfortunate accident, meet in animal heaven. They lose their natural instincts and become best friends. Their wish to stay together after they return to earth comes true, but they are reborn into opposite roles. Thanks to the power of friendship they can even overcome what seems to be impossible.

The story of a young woman who takes it upon herself to save her brothers and rid them of a curse which they were put under by their mother.


Based on a best-selling novel by Michal Viewegh, Angels of everyday focuses on a few intimate family members: a recently widowed young doctor Ester; a school canteen cook and her son; a driving instructor, his wife, and their closest relatives.


Celebrity hairdresser Erika might seem to have it all: a successful business, her own TV show, stylish modern loft in center of Prague, designer clothes, lots of friends and an ever-loving mother with a housework fixation. However, as Erika reaches her 40th birthday, all of a sudden here comes the deafening tick of her biological clock.Erika wants a baby and it has to be now or never. She is longing for a young life, even though she finds her own mother hard to get close to. The trouble is, she needs a man. The film follows in the lines of trashy genres, but at the same time it plays with them and by stressing 'gender themes' it even enters the poetics and ideology of feminism.


Julie is a woman who seemingly has everything. A handsome husband, teenage daughter and a thriving, undemanding job as a translator and now even a new dream house ... But she also has a secret that is slowly changing her idyllic life...


This romantic comedy presents a story of two women, twenty-year-old Laura, an editor at a woman’s weekly, and her widowed mother, a translator-interpreter named Jana. The two of them tirelessly seek Mr. Right. Having once lived through an intense relationship with a ‘typical’ Czech man, Jana intentionally avoids Czech men. She searches for her dream foreigner while long-sufferingly warding off the tragicomic advances of her good-natured neighbor Žemla. After several unsuccessful attempts, Laura falls in love with Oliver, a forty year old who works as an ad agency idea man. Little does she suspect that twenty years ago Oliver was Jana’s true love…


Ovdovělá matka, dvě dospělé, tápající dcery, snad až příliš hodný zeť, temperamentní babička a malý vnuk - tihle všichni se nasoukají do dvou aut a vyrazí z Rakovníka na Slovensko, aby vyhověli otcovu poslednímu přání. Fádní rodinná povinnost se ovšem brzy začne měnit v putování, které má změnit vše, co následuje.


Alice Nellis's small-scale debut tragicomedy spotlights small-town elections. The protagonist, a university student name Jana (Theodora Remundová) who is trying to solve a troubled relationship with a married man, takes her mother's place on the election commission. In the meantime the mother (Iva Janzurová) is going through her own small domestic crisis with her husband (Leos Sucharípa). Thanks to excellent acting performances and restrained direction, the film convincingly outlines interpersonal relations and their light social overtones.
