Aline Fanju

Paulo (Ricardo Duque), a film editor, arrives at home and find his wife murdered. While the police investigates the crime, Paulo begin his own quest to find the criminal.


After Malu grows suspicious of her boyfriend Samuel she hires a private investigator, only to discover she is not the only one in his life.


Laerte’s obsessive jealousy brings his relationship with Helena to an end on their wedding day. Twenty years later, he meets Luiza, the daughter of his long lost love. The two fall in love and stir up dormant feelings that profoundly affect Helena’s marriage and her relationship with her daughter. Defying everyone, Laerte and Luiza decide to follow their love to the highest bounds, leaving a trail of conflicts and pain along the way.


Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School.
