Alix Poisson

Pierre is the highly successful CEO of a large family-owned company. Before signing the deal of the century, he has to settle one last formality: obtain the signature of his cousin Adrien who owns 50% of his firm. This sweet, idealistic dreamer, who makes one blunder after another, is so happy to see Pierre again that he wants to spend time with him and delay the moment of signing. So Pierre has no choice but to take his cousin with him on a turbulent business trip during which his patience will be put to the test.

Eighteen-year-old Laetitia has disappeared. Police quickly arrest Tony Meilhon but investigators still can’t find the body. This story follows the repercussions for Laetitia’s family and twin sister Jessica; the police force inner workings and social services; the judicial system and government itself.


Married and with a daughter, Johanna is happy, until the night she unexpectedly gives birth. In shock, she abandons the child. She is now accused of attempted infanticide. Johanna doesn't understand, adamant that she hadn't been pregnant.


Two best friends stuck in boring jobs become bachelor party planners in Budapest.


A gripping family drama and entrepreneurial fable, set in a post-war Paris fashion house. It exposes the grit behind the glamour of a rising business, spearheaded by two clashing brothers.


A family falling apart over a missing girl. This intimate drama traces the increasing trauma of the Morel family when their 17 year old daughter, Leah, fails to return home from a night out. The Disappearance explores every parent's worst nightmare: their child going missing, their fate unknown.


Isa and Gaby, a couple in their forties, parents of 3 children from 8 to 16 years, strive to be up to their task, while juggling their marital duties. On the agenda, disagreements, failures and shameless tricks to achieve their ends.


Alexandre Taillard de Vorms is a force to be reckoned with. With his silver mane and tanned, athletic body, he stalks the world stage as Minister of Foreign Affairs for France, waging his own war backed up by the holy trinity of diplomatic concepts: legitimacy, lucidity, and efficacy. Enter Arthur Vlaminck. Hired to write the minister's speeches, Arthur must contend with the sensibilities of his boss and the dirty dealings within the Quai d'Orsay, the ministry's home.


In the shadow of an enormous hydraulic dam, the lives of the residents of a small French town are changed to their core when hundreds of previously dead relatives all return home on the same day.


Elsa makes a living from little jobs, struggling to gain custody of his son. Mathieu, who lives next door, also keeps getting job interviews only to polish his art of failure. Their situation is increasingly precarious, but both are trying to bounce back in a world that seems not to fit them.


A man and his friends come up with an intricate and original plan to destroy two big weapons manufacturers. Avid movie-watcher and video store clerk Bazil has had his life all but ruined by weapons of war. His father was killed by a landmine in Morocco and one fateful night a stray bullet from a nearby shootout embeds itself in his skull, leaving him on the verge of instantaneous death. Losing his job and his home, Bazil wanders the streets until he meets Slammer, a pardoned convict who introduces him to a band of eccentric junkyard dealers including Calculator, a math expert and statistician, Buster, a record-holder in human cannonball feats, Tiny Pete, an artistic craftsman of automatons, and Elastic Girl, a sassy contortionist. When chance reveals to Bazil the two weapons manufacturers responsible for building the instruments of his destruction, he constructs a complex scheme for revenge that his newfound family is all too happy to help set in motion.
