Alla Kazanskaya

Начинающий кинорежиссер снял короткометражку по мало известному автобиографическому рассказу русского писателя-эмигранта Алексея Зыкова, покинувшего родину с первой эмигрантской волной. Приехав в Париж, режиссер решает показать фильм писателю в расчете на его поддержку в съемках полнометражной картины по новелле писателя. Однако Алексей Зыков, уничтоживший этот рассказ перед отъездом из России, не проявил никакого энтузиазма по поводу увиденного на экране, да и сам режиссер понял, что он прикоснулся к личной драме писателя...

Simon Templar (The Saint), is a thief for hire, whose latest job to steal the secret process for cold fusion puts him at odds with a traitor bent on toppling the Russian government, as well as the woman who holds its secret.


1947 ... The Savchenko family returns to Moscow from evacuation - husband and wife with Kostya's little son. They settle with Grandma Kostya in a huge communal apartment. Street meets the boy with a flock of local boys. Then there were: the division of the territory with the "Sretensky"; trophy movie “Girl of my dreams”; a school with separate education, camp discipline and essays about the border guard Karatsyup. And the monetary reform of 1947, when all of their savings depreciated in an instant, and the boys let out boats from banknotes in puddles.


The action takes place on the estate of a major, where his friends, inveterate bachelors, and the sisters of the major, who came to marry him with his niece, meet. But the niece has long loved Lieutenant Edmund, and then a plan matures to persuade the major to marry, at the last moment, replacing him with the lieutenant. To do this, the ladies have woven insidious intrigues. At the end of the play, the mutual rejection of the ladies and the hussar develops into sympathy and even love ...

TV version of the Vakhtangov's Theater play. The plot makes fun of secular society and shows what can turn cynical attempts to deceive people if they want to get to power and money.


A despairing scholar sells his soul to Satan in exchange for one night with a beautiful young woman.

Major timber merchant Yegor Bulychyov is terminally ill. In his house, he is surrounded by insignificant and greedy people, impatiently waiting for his death. Clever and insightful Yegor understands that he lived his whole life with strangers. He protests in his own way against the dissimulation and hypocrisy of the "masters" - the clergy, liberals, against the foundations of the bourgeois society that is going to collapse. Bulychyov's dying curse drowns his class in the powerful sounds of a revolutionary song.


The war is over. The Red Army soldier Pyotr tries to find himself in a peaceful life. He takes the place of an accountant, and long-time friend Nazar, who has already grown to the post of the head of a collective farm, helps him in this. Together they achieve high performance indicators of their wards, skillfully solving controversial issues and emerging from confused situations.


About the labor exploits of gold miners, the old partisan Fedor Potanin and his son, the leader Stepan.
