Amanda O'Leary

Clyde was in a rut. Overworked and underpaid, he was struggling to make ends meet and starting to feel like a failure. But a new day has arrived for Clyde at Redmond's Furniture and with the help of a few of his ex-con, womanizing and boozing co-workers, Clyde is ready to take on his neurotic boss and whatever else stands in his way.


Friends on a weekend excursion take a path into a forest that leads to death and destruction.


When shrimp from Mexico, tainted with Cholera, is served to people on a plane bound for LA, an outbreak ensues. A doctor sets out to find the source and contain it before it turns into an epidemic. And if things weren't bad enough, a drug mule from the plane, who was smuggling cocaine in his stomach, infects the drugs, which will be on the streets soon. And to top things off, her husband who is on a camping trip with their two children is sick but did not show any symptoms until they were isolated from the rest of the world. Can she get to them in time?


It has been nine years since Bancroft's character shot Brown's son. She goes to the prison to vent her rage at him over what he did, and discovers he's not the monster she thought he was.
