Amit Golani

This world is actually run by people sitting and working in their cubicles. This is a story of Piyush Prajapati, a 22 year old, fresh out of college and recruited like most of his batch-mates into an Indian IT company. From the time he gets his first salary, working weekends, work-life balance, a little bit of heart to all kinds of highs and lows, the show follows many firsts and chronicles the life of Piyush, a typical Indian first jobber and the people around him.


Follows the life of Vipul Goyal , a Stand Up comedian. As the tagline says "The drama behind the comedy"


A story of four young entrepreneurs who quit their day jobs in order to pursue their start up venture.


In a football-loving town, a small-time magician with no athletic skill must win a coveted football trophy in order to marry the love of his life.
