Amy Jump

The sequel to 2018 film "Tomb Raider".

A crime drama set in 1970s Boston, about a gun sale which goes wrong.


Life for the residents of a tower block begins to run out of control.


Day in and day out, lovers Cynthia and Evelyn enact an elaborate sadomasochistic fantasy as mistress and maid. But as their ritual of domination and submission begins to turn stale, Cynthia yearns for something more conventional, while Evelyn tries to push their taboos even further.


During the Civil War in 17th-Century England, a small group of deserters flee from a raging battle through an overgrown field. They are captured by an alchemist, who forces the group to aid him in his search to find a hidden treasure that he believes is buried in the field. Crossing a vast mushroom circle, which provides their first meal, the group quickly descend into a chaos of arguments, fighting and paranoia, and, as it becomes clear that the treasure might be something other than gold, they slowly become victim to the terrifying energies trapped inside the field.


Chris wants to show girlfriend Tina his world, but events soon conspire against the couple and their dream caravan holiday takes a very wrong turn.


Nearly a year after a botched job, a hitman takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness.


In a decrepit South American village, men are hired to transport an urgent nitroglycerine shipment without the equipment that would make it safe.


An all-guns-blazing sci-fi action thriller about a band of misfits who hunt down and kill nocturnal underground monsters.