Ana Flavia Cavalcanti

In Bocaina, Minas Gerais, two sisters live peacefully and in isolation until the arrival of an outsider to the region. The plot follows in the footsteps of Zulma (Malu Gali), Musk (Ana Flavia) and Josevelt (Alejandro Claveaux). Josevelt is the mysterious fellow who, along with these two conflict-filled women, helps them free themselves from their restraints. Under the context of a pandemic, the narrative addresses the feeling of suspension and uncertainty, so present today.

Juliano Moreira Colony, Rio de Janeiro. Estelar works in a psychiatric hospital and has visions of the past. During a water crisis in the state, she receives Kalil, her younger brother, to live in her house.

An older man begins to work in a modern dairy factory. He feels distant and does not identify with the place, the people and even the society. Little by little, he is approaching cows and oxen, transforming into an animal and returning to his ancestry.


A mother leaves her hometown in Minas Gerais for São Paulo to search for her missing son.


It’s dripping through the ceiling, the space for sleeping is scarce. Under poor living conditions, a young mother handles everyday life with her two daughters in the Brazilian suburb as best she can. When they unexpectedly acquire a load of frog legs, this gives rise to a celebration that will not soon be forgotten.

Elias is a handsome young deputy manager in a garment factory in São Paulo. When he’s not working, he enjoys casual encounters in the big city. The arrival of a young African, Fernando, on the production line piques his interest and Elias finds himself increasingly drawn into socialising with his work colleagues.


In 2008, a corpse identified by the police with the birth certificate of the writer João Paulo Cuenca was found in an occupied building in Lapa. Inspired by this fact, the movie investigates the theft of the author´s identity in a ghostly Rio de Janeiro and in deep transformation. If in fiction and in crime sections of newspapers it’s common to read about people who steal the identity of someone dead to start a new life, what we have here is the opposite case: someone who steals the identity of a living man to die in his place.


Lívia and Felipe are in a forbidden love story doomed to end tragically. A century later, they both have a new chance to make their love real again. “Time After Time” is an innovative romance set in two different eras in which characters hold the opportunity to make up for their mistakes, come to terms with the past and write themselves another story.


Rutger is an ET with the mission of spending 72 hours on Earth to understand human behavior. As an undercover, he pretends to be a documentarist and chooses the city of Rio de Janeiro to begin his research.

Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School.


After 15 years of living abroad, Amanda returns home with her French boyfriend, Martin. They arrive at her family's large-scale farm, located in a secluded village on the endless plains of southern Brazil. There, Amanda finds her father in a coma in the midst of increasing tension among the workers. The sole doctor in the nearby village is Helô, a young woman who resigns herself to caring for the local townspeople. The imminent death of the farm owner will put Amanda, Martin, and Helô at the heart of a disturbing settlement between the village and the farm owners.