Ana Katz

Natalio is a passionate teacher. When Juani, a friend, comes to live in the town, the inhabitants confirm the rumors about his homosexuality. The parents of his students do not approve the teacher's behavior with another man and harass the principal so that Natalio does not continue to lead the classroom.

Battling terminal cancer, a woman writes a one of a kind notebook about life, death and love for her son to remember her by. Based on a true story.


Unable to have kids of their own, Cecilia and Diego get a call from the adoption agency they registered to, some time ago. The sudden arrival of Joel, a 9 year old with a very hard backstory, will change the course of their lives.


Lucrecia, Pedro, and their teenage kids Julian and Florencia set out from Buenos Aires one sweltering day in a rattletrap Renault to vacation in the Brazilian summer resort of Florianópolis.


During a couple of days, different extreme situations lead the characters to discover that human relationships is what keep us on foot when we are about to fall: the love of a father towards his son choices, the unconditional love of a friend, the homefeeling of a neighbour who's almost part of the family. On the edge explores those extreme experiences that confront us with our prejudgments, exposing them and giving them a new meaning.

Sometimes the links can be built from the passions. Sometimes those links can become passions. For Hugo, a solitary taxi driver from Buenos Aires, the total, absolute and exclusive passion is San Lorenzo, which is not only an active part of his past, but a healthy obsession that bathes that gives color to his life. Until a single mother and her son cross their path. Now there will be someone to share the passion with. Maybe something more.


Through five stories, the movie addresses sex and love: Paco and Ana are a marriage looking for reactivate the passion of their sexual relations, long time unsatisfied; Jose Luis tries to recover the affections of his wife Paloma, sit down on a wheelchair after an accident which has limited her mobility; Mª Candelaria and Antonio are a marriage trying by all way to be parents, but she has the trouble that no get an orgasm when make love with him; Álex try to satisfy Natalia's fantasies, while she starts to doubt if he finally will ask her in marriage; and finally, Sandra is a single woman in a permanent searching for a man to fall in love. All them love, fear, live and explore their diverse sexual paraphilias and the different sides of sexuality, trying to find the road to happiness.


One needn’t be a cynic to recognize that a politician’s persona is very much a designed thing, the product of various minds—and various agendas. Martín Marchand, the titular character, radiates charisma, intelligence and commitment—attributes that seem set to win Marchand his country’s highest office. But as his team of advisers and creatives assemble at his country home to devise campaign strategies, it appears that not everyone present agrees that a Marchand presidency is a foregone conclusion.


While her filmmaker husband works in Chile, harried young mother Liz struggles to take care of her infant son. Feeling out of place amongst the tight-knit group of other parents at the park, doubted by her husband, and judged by her newly hired nanny, Liz is drawn to factory worker Rosa, a plain-talking single mother she meets at the swings one day. Despite Liz’s liberation upon finding a bold new confidante, the friends’ increasingly apparent class differences, along with swirling rumors about Rosa’s motives and muddy family situation, feed Liz’s suspicions that her new pal might be a sinister influence on her already fragile life.


Víctor Tellez is an intellectual, world-weary film critic who prefers to think in French and eschew the clichés of romantic movies...until he finds himself living a sappy, feel-good love story of his own.


Los Marziano reconstruye la oportunidad de un reencuentro entre dos hermanos tras un largo período de distanciamiento. Se trata de un relato que trabaja con profunda inteligencia -y con rasgos de comedia- el universo de las relaciones familiares.


A romantic holiday has left Inés all alone. She's not at all happy about it.


When his long-lost brother resurfaces, Jacobo, desperate to prove his life has added up to something, looks to scrounge up a wife. He turns to Marta, an employee at his sock factory, with whom he has a prickly relationship. the owner of a sock factory in Montevideo, and Marta, his employee, realize that their estranged relationship needs to change when Jacobo's long-lost brother prompting them to pose as a married couple.


Victor, who lives abroad, must travel to his country of origin sent by the company where he works and will have only one day to visit his family who will do the impossible to honor him in that short stay. At that time, dramatic turns and touches of humor will occur to deep solemnities, within the traditional and beloved domestic bosom.
