Anabela Brígida

To avenge his dead parents, Diogo will have to destroy his lover's mom and face his younger brother. Diogo, a decorated military officer, finds out that Eduarda is responsible for the destruction of his family. He returns to his homeland to take revenge, but falls in love with her daughter, Beatriz, who is married to Tiago, his biological brother.


Maria da Luz is almost blind. She's been waiting for cataract surgery for 3 years. António, an old fisherman, takes care of her, hiding the secret of an old love. Miguel, a mysterious boy, wanders through the city, watching daily for Maria's house. Luís, the mayor, seeks to solve the problem of hundreds of people with cataracts in the Municipality. Ana, Maria's daughter visits her mother. Despite their misfortune, they seek to redeem themselves under the eyes of António and Miguel. Maria da Luz is not alone.


Her mother has just died. Her father is not what she had thought. Caught between an uncertain past, which she knows only through the photographs her mother has left behind, and the prospect of a marriage that she does not really want, Elisa sets out to discover the truth. But will she recognize it when she finds it?


Forty years later six ex-fighters, that had been together in the War in Africa, keep meeting. They know that, during those meetings, talking about the War is therapy to exorcize nightmares and ghosts. What keeps them alive is what destroyed them: Memories. Life has never been the same. They had twenty two years old when they met at the War. Time has stopped there. Today, they only exist when they are together.

This short film is based upon a book of tales "Exemplary Crimes" by Max Aub who, in his turn, was inspired by real testimonies that describe crimes straightforwardly. The Testimonies are individual confessions by different persons that have nothing in common but the fact that all committed murder.


Emilia is a writer, living in Lisbon in the year 1959. She is the “Damsel Warrior”, a fictional woman composed from the literary universes of Maria Judite de Carvalho and Irene Lisboa, writers of the city and the characters that inhabit it.