Anatol Stern

A young man named Josef visits a dilapidated Sanatorium to see his father Jakob. On his arrival, a sinister doctor informs him that his father had stopped breathing but hasn't died yet, perhaps due to Josef's arrival which may have halted time in the sanatorium. Josef undertakes a strange journey through the many rooms of the sanatorium, each which conjures worlds composed of his memories, dreams and nightmares


In a Polish shtetl, two young men who have grown up together betrothe their unborn children, ignoring the advice of a mysterious traveler not to pledge the lives of future generations. Soon after, one of them dies, and the wife of the other dies in childbirth. The children grow up in different towns, without ever knowing of the betrothal, but the power of the vow leads them to meet each other when they are marriageable. The young woman, Leah, is promised to another man, but Channon, the son of the father who died, is a practitioner of mysticism, and seeks to win his bride through sorcery.


1936 movie starring Barbara Orwid and Mieczyslaw Cybulski.


Polish seaman returns home from Tahiti with a native lover and a fortune in sacred pearls, gets seduced by a married woman unaware she is part of a gang trying to get his riches.


In the beginning of the 20th century, Polish students are fully aware that the education system is not one in which the truth is taught, but rather one their government wants them to learn. A student contradicts his professor's stance that Suworow was one of Poland's greatest leaders. The argument between the two eventually leads to a wide strike.


A sculptor is desperately looking for a model for his latest work entitled New Venus. One day he meets girl who seems like perfect candidate. Soon, they both fall in love with each other.


The last Polish silent film.

Directed by Henryk Szaro.