Anatoli Rybakov

Children of the Arbat is a 16-part television serial based on the Children of the Arbat trilogy by Anatoly Rybakov. It aired on the Channel One network in Russia in 2004. The series closely follows the plot of Rybakov's trilogy. Set in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, it tells the story of Sasha Pankratov, a student and loyal Komsomol member from the Arbat neighborhood of Moscow who is unfairly exiled to Siberia. As his family and friends, including his love interest Varya Ivanova, grapple with Sasha's sudden detention and departure, the series shows the growing fear and paranoia that gripped Moscow in the years before the murder of Sergey Kirov and the start of Stalin's Great Purge.


A rookie detective is investigating a young girl death


This is a last of 3 movies about 3 friends (the other two are "Kortik" and "Bronzovaya Ptitsa"). The gang has grown up and in this movie they discover and help to stop criminal activity on the factory and in their neighborhood.


Three friends in a summer camp are looking for a treasure hidden in a old mansion.


A Red Army officer Polevoy possesses a navy dirk with a secret message encrypted in its handle. The second part of a message belongs to a White army officer Nikitskiy. It's up to three young friends of Polevoy to uncover the mystery.


A young man Sergey is trying to find a truth about the abandoned tomb of the soldiers suddenly discovered during the building of a highway.


Olya, a young girl just after high school, is pretending to be a boy and is accepted to the group of young men as Kolya.


The school year is over. The former nine-graders begin their summer internship, which proved for the kids to be a real school of grown-up life with its intricate laws. Not everyone stood the test.


The teenager Misha Polyakov, being with his mother in a Ukrainian village on vacation with his grandmother and about to return home to Petrograd, offers his best friend Genka to go with him. Suddenly, a white gang of Nikitsky bursts into the village and attacks Misha’s house, where Commissioner Polevoy lives. The purpose of Nikitskiy (aka Nikolskiy) is a dagger located at Polevoy. Saving the commissioner, Misha learns from him the history and secret of the weapon, and receives it for storage with a request to solve the secret. Having returned with adventures to Petrograd, Misha Polyakov with friends begins to unravel the riddle of the dagger, in the handle of which is encrypted text.
