André Farwagi

Former CIA Operative, James Dial is coaxed back into action to kill a terrorist in London, but it all goes wrong and he is forced into hiding, where he meets and befriends a 12 year old girl.


Nathalie Monnier (Marie Fugain) is 14, her parents are splitting up, and what's worse, their apartment is going to be put up for sale. Just about everything in her life is about to be shattered. So it makes a bit of sense that she is receptive to the possibility of selling her soul for the chance to keep all this from happening. Just as her parents are (of course) getting back together, she wins the lottery and is able to buy their old apartment.


This film tells the story about a group of girls at an exclusive German girls boarding school. Across the lake is an exclusive boys boarding school...


The movie starts with a mysterious girl riding her horse into a tree. Then she's rescued by millionaire Max Topfer, who is startled to discover in her possession a video showing him being shot by a man he doesn’t know. Both the girl, who has total amnesia, and the tape appear to have come from the future. With the aid of bodyguard Helmut, Max Topfer tries to find out why a total stranger is apparently going to kill him on camera.
