André Valli

Maria Auxiliadora is a 24 year-old woman very poor, that she lives Joana, her 7 year-old daughter close to. Needing go look for the result of Joana's exam in the hospital, Maria asks the priest of the local church that takes care of her to return. In spite of Joana's insistence to go with the mother Maria insists that she is with the priest, because she distrusts that her daughter suffers of a serious disease. To entertain the girl while it awaits the mother's return, the priest decides to tell her a mother's history that dedicated her life to the son: Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.


Kira (Xuxa) is a botanical that has magical powers, despite not knowing their origin. Until Nanda (Debby), a girl of 10 years, finds himself trapped in his room an elf named Damiz (Leonardo Cordonis) and asks Kira to help free him. Soon they discover that Damiz is the prince of the elves and that was hijacked by Gorgon (Guilherme Karam), a greedy executive who want to buy the house of Nanda family. To help combat Gorgon, Kira then decides to enter the world of elves.


Laços de Família is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Rede Globo in its 8 P.M. schedule, from June 5, 2000 to February 3, 2001. With a total of 209 chapters, it was written by Manoel Carlos, in collaboration with Maria Carolina, Vinícius Vianna, Flávia Lins e Silva and Fausto Galvão, and directed by Moacyr Góes and Leandro Neri with general direction of Ricardo Waddington, Rogério Gomes and Marcos Schechtman. It starred Vera Fischer and Carolina Dieckmann and actors Reynaldo Gianecchini, José Mayer, Tony Ramos, as the respective protagonists of the plot, and actress Deborah Secco as the main antagonist of the story.


Just when her family starts believing that she is dead, and that they can expect a rich heritage, Tieta returns from São Paulo to her native village in Bahia, which she had been forced to leave long ago because of some involvement with a goat herd. Believed to be fabulously rich - and nobody knows how - she brings to the great disappointment of her family a young step-daughter and heir. With the arrival of Tieta turmoil enters into the life of her family and their fellow villagers. Most particularly into the life of her nephew - promised to the Church - and the young aspiring mayor.


Carlos and Suely are a normal couple. He has some extramarital adventures and she's a standard housewife. During a Carnival, when he goes out wearing a vampire costume, Suely decides to follow a friend's advice and go for it. On Ash Wednesday, he finds her with an odalisk costume on and happier than usual.


A millionaire lives in a sinister cottage where strange events unfold. A damned creature, he transforms himself in a werewolf and leads a following whose adepts spread horror and despair in the neighboring city, becoming themselves a clan of assassins. One day, the werewolf confronts Branca Justiça (White Justice), who summons benign forces to scathe them and frees him of his own wickedness.
