Andrea Buscemi

A few stories about the different Zodiac signs.


A group of friends goes to Oxford to help one of them to find the girl he’s in love with.


Benedict is a musician of Lucca who, called by the transmission Got Mail of Maria De Filippi, discovers that his mother recently passed away, had adopted a Brazilian girl at a distance. Several years have passed and the child in question has become a beautiful model, Luna.


Nella Firenze 'magnifica' di Lorenzo De' Medici, cinque amici praticano con disinvoltura l'ozio e la bischerata. Irresponsabili e impenitenti, si ritrovano periodicamente per esorcizzare un domani di cui non v'è certezza, perché la peste è alle porte e il Savonarola è in città a predicare l'Apocalisse e a infliggere castighi. Duccio, consigliere svogliato, Cecco, oste sfaticato, Jacopo medico col vizietto, Manfredo, nullafacente con esagerata prole, e Filippo, nobile signore becco e infedele, dopo aver turbato le sorelle del convento con un nano ‘infante' e superdotato e aver tirato scemo il legnaiolo Alderighi, sottraendogli la focosa consorte e scambiandogli la vita, decidono per troppa noia di prendersi gioco di uno di loro, condannandolo loro malgrado ‘a capitolare'.


Elba island, 1814. Martino is a young teacher, idealist and strongly anti Napoleon, in love with the beautiful and noble Baroness Emily. The young man finds himself serving as librarian to the Great Emperor in exile, whom he deeply hates, yet soon begins recording Napoleon's memoirs, getting to know and learning to value the man behind the myth. Among seductions and affairs, expectations and fears, he will craft a precise portrait that nevertheless will not manage to hide a final, inevitable, disappointment.


This movie captures the Capuchin friar's intense faith and devotion, and deep spiritual concern for others, as well as his great compassion for the sick and suffering. It reveals the amazing details and events in Padre Pio's life as a boy and throughout his 50 years as a friar, dramatizing the frequent attacks of the Devil on him, as well as the persecution he suffered at the hands of people, including those in the church. Starring Italian actor Sergio Castellitto, and directed by Carlo Carlei, this is an outstanding feature film on the amazing life of this great saint.


The film is set in mid-16th century, at a time when the entire eastern Mediterranean is dominated by two great empires, the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Venice, with the small but wealthy maritime republic of Ragusa (modern-day Dubrovnik) managing to maintain its independence through diplomatic agreements.


Danilo does a robbery in a villa in Tuscany with some friends but when he returns home a sad news awaits him: the death of his mother Adele; upset, Danilo hides the stolen goods in the mother's coffin exposed at home in the waking room.
