Andrea Fantasia

A story of how World War II affected the lives of a German family and an American family, both of whom had sons and fathers fighting in the war.


They're Italy's notorious "Ladies of the evening" catering to the strange cravings of their kinky, high-paying clients. But suddenly, the girls of the street find themselves being stalked by someone with desires even they can't satisfy. After a series of shocking crimes, the clues lead police to a pornographic film maker and his stable of lovely models and starlets. But can the authorities track down the "Hooker Maniac" before he strikes again?


A Spaghetti western styled adventure of Zorro.


June 1942. As Rommel swept toward the Nile, the fall of Egypt and the capture of the Suez Canal seemed inevitable. Italian and German advance units raced toward Alexandria. Mussolini had given explicit orders: The Italians must arrive first!


Fred Leinster, an alcoholic ex-sheriff, is paid to collect a ransom for the kidnapping of a young boy. When he finds out the particulars of the crime he turns the tables on the outlaws.


There are a number of inheritors to a fortune who are getting killed by a mysterious somebody whom we do not see. Each death is novel, but not terribly graphic. Who did it?


Three strongmen hunt down a murderous sea monster.


Gordon, The Black Pirate, battles the slavery trade.


Maciste travels to Egypt, where he leads a revolt against an evil queen. In Son of Samson, Maciste (Mark Forrest) -- scion of the famed muscleman -- travels to the Egyptian city of Tanis to checkmate villainous Queen Smedes (Chelo Alonso), who's persecuting the citizenry.


In an imaginary northern European country during the High Middle Ages, two leaders of a barbarian village fight to gain power: one is good and right and the other is an evil selfish. Who will have it?


En route to Thebes for an important diplomatic mission, Hercules drinks from a magic spring and loses his memory. He spends most of the movie in the pleasure gardens of Queen Omphale of Lydia. While young Ulysses tries to help him regain his memory, political tensions escalate in Thebes, and Hercules' new wife Iole finds herself in mortal danger.


A Carthaginian general attempts to cross the Alps with an army of elephants in order to conquer Rome.


In this melange of characters and events from separate mythological stories, Hercules, demigod and superman, arrives in the ancient Greek kingdom of Iolcus to tutor Iphitus, son of king Pelias; immediately on arrival, he falls in love with the king's delectable, briefly clad daughter Iole. Before he can win her, he must succeed in a series of quests, in the course of which he teams up with Jason, true heir of Iolcus, whom he accompanies on the famous voyage of the Argonauts.


Cosimo de' Bardi is assassinated by a gentleman called the Flemish. Time passes and at some point a masked knight wearing a red cloak enters the scene. He is the son of the killed. These and the Flemish are also rivals in love. In the final duel the Flemish will be eliminated.
