Andrea Pittorino

Today, Rosa celebrates the anniversary of her engagement with Roberto. While she waits for him for dinner, she spends the afternoon in the pool with her younger brother Angelo. They begin to comment on a news story happened a few days earlier: the body of a boy found in a field a few kilometres from the city. Roberto arrives before they expected: the glances between the three become enigmatic and restless.

The story of four friends Giulio, Gemma, Paolo, Riccardo, told over forty years, from 1980 to today, from adolescence to adulthood. Their hopes, their disappointments, their successes and failures are the intertwining of a great story of friendship and love through which Italy and the Italians are also told. A large fresco that tells who we are, where we come from and also where they will go and who our children will be. It is the great circle of life that repeats itself with the same dynamics despite the fact that years and even different periods pass in the background.


The film depicts the first flaming signs of love in human life. The characters are all ten years old and attend the same hockey and figure skating club in a small village set among the Italian Alps. The theft of a medal will trigger an adventurous escape to Moscow, where our six main characters will learn the first skirmishes of love and find new fiancés.


Rome, 1984, Aria is nine-year-old girl. On the verge of divorce, Aria's infantile and selfish parents are too preoccupied with their careers and extra-marital affairs to properly tend to any of Aria's needs. While her two older sisters are pampered, Aria is treated with cold indifference. Yet she yearns to love and to be loved. At school, Aria excels academically but is considered a misfit by everyone. She is misunderstood. Aria finds comfort in her cat - Dac and in her best friend - Angelica. Thrown out of both parents' homes, abandoned by all, even her best friend, Aria finally reaches the limit of what she can bear. She makes an unexpected decision in her life.


Five people who never met are convened by a notary for the reading of a will, and learn they are all brothers and sisters, children of the same father. They’ll share a large inheritance if they can deliver the ashes to their father’s favorite lake in Arizona.


The story of Mary is reinvented, no longer a spectator but a courageous architect of her own existence.