Andreas Wilson

The investigation of a mysterious serial-killer in a mountain village, set in Norway in the mid 1300s.


Beena struggles to follow her dream of the freedom to choose her own destiny and the love of her life, but her overly dramatic and meddlesome Indian mother Billo, wants to marry her off.


Sebastian's world is full of raw violence and cynicism. He'll go to any length to fulfill his dream of a life in absolute luxury. But then he'll have commit a crime after another. Still Sebastian is nice to the ones he loves.


A desperate young writer is lured on a wild ride through the desert by a mysterious woman in this darkly comic take on the all-American road trip. Along the way they cross paths with a hapless mobster, a 6 foot transvestite and a lovesick housewife, all on the way to their celebrity TV shrink in Las Vegas... Things quickly spiral out of control into a dangerous cat-and-mouse game... a writer's frantic search for inspiration becomes intertwined with a motley crew of quirky characters seeking love and adventure at any cost.


Jojo is out of money and must work for his stepfather's shady car dealership to pick up a car that belongs to a Russian gangster.


A couple of brutal and mysterious murders point to Uppsala University. Johan, a last year student at the police academy, gets involved in the investigation. He enrolls a course at the University in order to, under cover, track down the killer.


The young and promising genetics researcher Thomas Nielsen will stop at nothing to become the first person to identify the elements in man that trigger aggression. To achieve faster results he performs illegal tests on the convicted mass murderer Iparrah. But when Thomas one day gets caught, he injects the unauthorized test agent itself. This turns out to have unexpected effects ...


Stockholm, the fifties. Though academically bright, violent pupil Erik Ponti is expelled from his state school with the headmaster’s words “there’s only one word for people like you – evil… what you need is a good thrashing, and more”. In fact already Erik frequently receives a ‘good’ thrashing at the hands of his sadistic stepfather – so he is packed off by his mother to boardingschool


Nick Mayers, a music icon, comes to believe that he is the only real person around whom the world revolves. When Nick announces this belief and refuses to perform on the night of a big concert, he sees how quickly his world turns against him. His theory is put to a test as he tries to escape his world.
