Andreas Wimberger

On a mission of mercy, Jennifer Hart is in Germany to donate bone marrow to Maximilian, a young leukemia patient. Following the operation, she plans to spend a romantic anniversary in Munich with her husband Jonathan. The bone marrow clinic's director, Peter Donner, is surprised by Jennifer's uncanny resemblance to his French fiancée, Simone Grohe. When she goes missing, Jennifer steps in to play the role of Simone to save Peter the embarrassment of an explanation to his cousin and benefactor Karl von Ostenberg at the lavish engagement party. But, of course, it is Karl who kidnapped Simone - in order to control the fate of Peter's inheritance - and now Jennifer is in as much danger as Simone! Once again the Harts tackle danger and mystery with their usual devil-may-care charm and romance


A thriller directed by Peter Schulze-Rohr. (2 parts)


When dishwasher Ingo, whose girl-friend has just left him, returns a borrowed bar stool to the Folkwang Acting School in Essen, he stumbles into the audition for next year's new students. He lets Johannes, the broke and unsuccessful applicant, stay with him. Ingo decides to go to Munich with Johannes, where he wants to try his luck once again. Hitchhiking, they get rides with very different drivers on the autobahn. They meet up with the smooth-talking Ali in the wayside dinner "Raststätte Spessart". Arriving in Munich, the trio tries to find cheap sleeping accommodation. They enter Ingo into the audition at Munich acting school. Moreover, Johannes falls in love with street artist Herta from Berlin. Written by emkarpf


Kurt Gerber is attending his final class and gets into trouble with the math professor, a frustrated self-assured petty bourgeois sadist. The duel ends in catastrophe.
