Andrei Davydov

The story of the Podolsk cadets’ heroic stand outside Moscow in October 1941. Cadets were sent to the Ilyinsky line, fighting alongside units from the Soviet 43rd Army to hold back the German advance until reinforcements arrived. Hopelessly outnumbered, young men laid down their lives in a battle lasting almost two weeks to obstruct the far superior German forces advancing towards Moscow. Around 3,500 cadets and their commanding officers were sent to hold up the last line of defense outside Moscow. Most of them remained there for eternity.

A young girl is dreaming to become a ballerina despite a difficult times she's going through...


A biopic about the life of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - Russian polymath, scientist and writer.


A young girl known for being "Homeboy" for everybody is dreaming to become more feminine.


Set in beginning of 1700's, when tsar Pyotr was raising from ashes Russian fleet and sent dozens young people overseas to become navigators, story tells us about proud man who changed his stars. Taking place of his lazy master, he graduates from university and comes back to be judged by the one who send them.
