Andrei Rostotsky

Russian and American Navy are working together in a sea rescue operation, trying to prevent a major ecological catastrophe. The disaster may be caused by the nuclear reactor, that was smuggled out of Russia and then dropped into the Pacific Ocean from exploded cargo airplane.


Russian countess in 1893 has strange dreams about herself living a life as a dishwasher in 1993' Moscow after dissolution of the USSR.


The group of stuntmen comes to the beach to shoot an adventure film. Guys are training all day long, polishing their skills. One of the stuntmen witnessed two men pursuing the girl. He saves her from bullies, and the fugitive finds protection and patronage in the crew. However, a woman's behaviour is strange: she keeps having nightmares, she's afraid of something or someone, but refuses to explain what was going on. Men realize that their new friend is hiding something ...


Wild West adventures in this action movie based on famous "The Deerslayer" novel by James Fenimore Cooper.


A barman from an elite bar for Soviet nomenklatura is greedy and not a true Leninist at all. Someone who in the Soviet Union often becomes an 'easy pray' for evil CIA agents. The barman from the "Golden Anchor" is about to become a CIA agent himself but his friends and families help him to find some Soviet patriotism inside his soul.


A top American spy is in charge of a delicate mission. The USA plans to infiltrate several U-boats in the sea of Vladivostok, however they need the soviet surveillance satellite to stay 'blind' for a couple of hours, so this spy is sent to damage the antenna for the satellite. Everything was planned accurately. But the CIA never counted on the relentless pursuit of a frontier guard who sees the spy's parachute on landing.


The adventures of a high school student Igor who is helping Reds during the October Revolution in Russia.


A former army paratrooper starts working in the police and almost immediately is forced to fight a dangerous criminal.


Moscow militia detectives are investigating a death of a young girl whose body was found in the construction site.


A story about the adventures of a few young kids during the Russian Civil War.


Feature film.


Film about a Russian Master of Martial Arts, Andrei Khromov (Rostotsky). Based on a true story. A young man travels all over the Eastern republics of the Soviet Union. He is studying various systems of self-defense in order to develop his own system that would make him unbeatable.


1918 year. The ships of the military mission of the Entente countries are ready to begin an armed intervention against the Land of Soviets. Faced with betrayal and constant provocations, in extremely difficult conditions the first Council of workers, soldiers and peasants' deputies, headed by Konstantin Sukhanov, works here.

Was have Vasily and Vasilisa seven children. They lived together, the village respected the working family. But one day something happened to the owner: washed down the man and raised his hand to the faithful wife. And then Vasilisa evicted her husband in the barn. It was just before the war.…


A story about a colonel Denis Davydov - hero of the 1812 war.


The film plays one of a little-known pages of the biography of Arkady Gaidar, the young man when he was appointed commander of the detachment CHON (special-purpose parts)...


Masterfully done re-telling of Bulgakov's brilliant play (itself a version of the novel, "White Guard"), "Days of the Turbins".


The heroes of the film are students of a pedagogical university, those who, after a year or two, have to carry knowledge to schoolchildren, "to sow the rational, good, eternal." In the meantime, student practice. True, the practice is not quite ordinary, because for the first time students leave far from the walls of their own university, for the first time they meet with students in the classroom not in the presence of their teachers, those with whom life encounters them daily at the institute, but with those who have been working for more than a year at school.


In July 1942, in the Second World War, the rearguard of the Russian army protects the bridgehead of the Don River against the German army while the retreating Russian troops cross the bridge. While they move back to the Russian territory through the countryside, the soldiers show their companionship, sentiments, fears and heroism to defend their motherland.
