Andrés Aliaga

During a very dry summer in an isolated community far from the city. Sofia, Clara and Lucas face their first loves and fears, while preparing the New Year's party, without knowing that nature threatens them.


Jaime, who’s been away from the city by his own free will, invites his family to watch an eclipse at his house on the mountains. The tensions in the group are apparent, but they slowly vanish, reaching the most transparent moment among the eclipse’s darkness.


Pancho and José Santos, bandits from Teno, known by their fondness of tearing their enemies' faces, meet after four years for another robbery. After re-telling their adventures, they cross paths with Saturnino who has old accounts to settle with them.

A young artist starts a friendship with his neighbour, a criminal who, tormented because of one of his crimes, seeks forgiveness.

Erre, a teenager that lives with his uncle, his aunt and an almost absent sister, is erased from the roster on his school. From then on, he just wanders in places where the strange is barely hidden under an imitation of the ordinary.
