Andrew Allan

Deep in the heart of Las Vegas, Nevada a group of local up and coming escorts become targets for murder! A deranged slasher is on the loose and out for revenge. From the studios that brought you Amerikan Holokaust and Die Die Delta comes a blood-soaked tale about prostitutes who fall victim to a mysterious slasher


Newest cult favorite from famed director Herschell Gordon Lewis, known for BloodFeast 1 & 2, 2000 Maniacs, Wizard of Gore, and The Gore Gore Girls. Cameo by Troma honcho Lloyd Kaufman (The ..


A man suffering from debilitating migraines uses trepanation to cure his condition and realize his mind’s full potential, and discovers the dark side of the ancient surgical practice. By drilling a hole into his skull, Tristan will not only realize the true potential of his mind, but also gain access to a clandestine home for runaways known as the Garden. But just when it begins to look like Tristan is on the path to enlightenment, he’s plunged into a terrifying world of eternal darkness.
