Andrey Blagoslovenskiy

An accountant named Lyubov conducts business correspondence with an employee of the company living at the northern meteorological station. In the course of communication, the heroes become sympathetic to each other, but soon the cyclone that hit the meteorological station breaks the connection. Having received no response to his messages, Love decides to go in search of his colleague.

Petersburg at the end of the 19th century was embraced by a massive enthusiasm for the occult sciences and esotericism. British medium Olivia Reed arrives in the capital of the Russian Empire on tour and gathers crowds of people at her public spiritualistic sessions. At this time, a series of ritual mysterious murders takes place in the city. Girls are abducted on the streets, their mutilated bodies are found in various parts of the city. The investigation is carried out by a young police officer Rostov and his assistant Ganin. With each new victim, things are becoming more confused. Suspicion leads Rostov to Olivia, and he decides to turn to her in the hope that her genuine or imaginary ability to summon the spirits of the dead can help to get on the trail of the killer.


Together with a team of eminent historians, the producers have pieced together all the events that took place on 14 December 1825 from the beginning to the development and conclusion of the uprising, showing the parts played by the main participants and organizers. A chronologically assembled chain of historical events offers viewers the chance to conduct their own investigation into the case and work out what really happened on that fateful night in Senate Square almost two centuries ago.


Гениальный ученый изобретает лекарство от всех болезней — «Каротин-6», а затем становится случайной жертвой бандитской разборки и погибает прямо на глазах 12-летнего внука Севы и его друга Кости. Сева посвящает свою жизнь тому, чтобы разобраться в дедовских исследованиях и отомстить за его смерть. Костя — человек более прагматичный — уезжает в Германию, но, услышав призыв друга помочь, возвращается. Мишеней для отмщения у молодых людей целых три: криминальный авторитет Пикассо, которому и предназначалась пуля; его незадачливый киллер; корыстолюбивый и недалекий директор НИИ, которой при жизни Севиного деда не смог оценить изобретение по достоинству.

In April of 1945, Germany stands at the brink of defeat with the Russian Army closing in from the east and the Allied Expeditionary Force attacking from the west. In Berlin, capital of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler proclaims that Germany will still achieve victory and orders his generals and advisers to fight to the last man. When the end finally does come, and Hitler lies dead by his own hand, what is left of his military must find a way to end the killing that is the Battle of Berlin, and lay down their arms in surrender.
