Andrey Khrzhanovsky

The film is about the transformation and inner liberation of the protagonist, who found himself in the bleak sequence of everyday life of an office worker.

A lone Fisherman catches a Woman with huge legs from the sea. Love and harmony instantly arise between them. The fisherman goes out in the morning to fish, The woman crushes the grapes with her huge legs. And in the evenings they dance tango together. But at some point everything goes awry. The huge legs of the Woman knock down the pillars of the house, smash the antique sculpture, and it is already impossible to stop this chaos.

In a world where stories lose meaning, all that remains is to enjoy the nature that comes from all sides and eat pasture. In it, the city has long lost its shape, we see no roads or streets, only artifacts that no longer have any functions, and the inhabitants are snails that never leave their homes.

Stalin's reign of terror in Russia during the first half of the 20th century. Described using a combination of historical settings, biographies and masterpieces from Russian avant-garde artists, composers and writers from this totalitarianism period.


This is a story about a princess who has such a difficult life because of her enormous height. In an attempt to marry his daughter, the king throws a ball. But in horror, all the suitors scatter. Despair and chance lead the old lady to where she finds her happiness.


Lola, a six years old little girl, lives with her mom and her 4 months old little brother in a very old countryside house.


The elegy film is dedicated to the memory of the remarkable Soviet and Russian poet, translator and writer of the second half of the twentieth century, Bella Akhmadulina.

A semi-fictional account of Russian poets Josef Brodsky, who was forced into American exile in 1972.


Film by Andrey Khrzhanovsky based on the works of Joseph Brodsky.


Volume 1 (1962-1968): "Story of One Crime", "Man in the Frame", "My Green Crocodile", "There Lived Kozyavin", "Mountain of Dinosaurs", "Passion of Spies", "Glass Harmonica", "Ball of Wool", "Singing Teacher", "Film, Film, Film".

Volume 2 (1969-1978): "Ballerina on the Boat", "Seasons", "Armoire", "The Battle of Kerzhenets", "Butterfly", "Island", "Fox and Rabbit", "The Heron and the Crane", "Hedgehog in the Fog", "Crane's Feathers", "Firing Range" Contact

The cartoon is based on the book by A. Bitov and R. Gabriadze "Hardworking Pushkin".

The film is a memoir dedicated to the world-famous violinist Oleg Kagan.

The film is a journey through a fantastic country in which the erotic images of the films of the great Federico Fellini came to life, and Tonino Guerra himself acted as a guide. The heroes of the maestro’s paintings are sailing on a ship to the Enchanted Island. There everyone goes ashore except two - Federico Fellini and Juliet Mazina. Their wanderings continue.

An animated film in two parts, about the tragic fate of Estonian artist Ülo Sooster and about his work.

The second part of the film "School of fine arts". Continuation of the film "Landscape with juniper", which tells the story of the famous Estonian artist Julo Sooster. At the same time, the film tells about a whole galaxy of wonderful artists whose work created true spiritual values.

Two young girls meet a flute-playing monster while gathering food.


About the tragic fate of the Estonian artist Julo Sooster and his work.


Soviet full-length animated film based on drawings by Alexander Pushkin directed by Andrey Khrzhanovsky, which includes all three pictures of the Pushkin's trilogy of the director: "I Am Tlying to You as a Memory..." (1977), "With You I Am Again..." (1980) and "Autumn" (1982).

It is a comedy film which is put on the motives of A. Milne's known poem in S. J. A. Marshak's translation. It tells us how for the sake of trifling whim of whimsical king the whole kingdom was agitated.


Vasilisa the Beautiful is kidnapped by an evil force that has invaded her kingdom. Prince Ivan fails when he tries to save her and the kingdom. He decides to seek help from the mighty firebird.


Soviet animated film directed by Elena Barinova, based on Lewis Carroll's letters to children and his drawings.


The third film of the biographical cycle based on Pushkin's drawings and texts.


The second part of a trilogy of films based on Pushkin's drawings, poems and letters.


A bizarre cartoon based on English nursery rhymes.


The film is based on the drawings and manuscripts of A.S.Pushkin.


Story about the cow with the crumpled horn that tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.


Elena Ivanovna argues with her friend that she is still quite attractive and ready for a serious relationship. To prove this, she goes to St. Petersburg and looks for a man. There, she meets a Prince who takes an interest in her. Returning home, renewed and changed Elena Ivanovna decides to take care of herself. And now, when she is fully dressed and ready to meet the Prince, it turns out that the phone number that he left her does not exist. Having overcome depression from failure, Elena Ivanovna proceeds to search for the missing Prince.

The cartoon is based on several Krylov's fables.


The film is devoted to the theme of careful attitude to the nature. It tells us how one of butterflies which are caught by the boy, grows till the huge sizes and the hunter appears in the net. Having tested bondage, the boy lets out the captives.


A man puts all the things from his apartment into one enormous closet and starts living there.


A craftsman builds a glass harmonica that enlightens him. He travels to a town where the people are obsessed with money. A bureaucrat smashes the glass harmonica which leads to chaos and eventually to social reform.


Kozyavin is ordered by his boss one day to find a man named Sidorov, and is pointed in a particular direction. The employee follows the indicated direction unswervingly to find him, encountering various obstacles along the way.


The action takes place during the great Patriotic war. Nurse Maret considered the Director of the clinic a decent person, although he tries to remain politically neutral in relation to the occupiers. One day, a severely wounded Communist underground worker, Thomas, was admitted to the clinic. After performing a complex operation, the doctor restored his life. Nurse Maret was nursing a patient. But then the doctor hands Thomas over to the Gestapo. Outraged patients angrily condemn the doctor's action.

In the Urals, there is a special culture – mining. It was formed around mines and factories that extracted and processed huge reserves of precious stones, ores, and metals. Everyone who was born here has a connection with the mountain culture, this is a separate nationality – Ural, its signs are not the cut of the eyes and skin color. And like any culture, it has its own gods. In the Urals, this is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. She manages underground treasures, she is the Keeper of secrets and secrets of mountain professions. These treasures are the bread of the people who live here and the basis of many Ural professions. The treasures of these and the temptation. Understanding these professions and the secrets of the craft is more important than money, and sometimes life. Each God demands his own sacrifices.