Andrzej May

One day Mucjusz and his friend Malaj visit the mansion of Fabiusz, an old time friend of Mucjusz. Their sudden arrival makes Fabiusz anxious because years ago Mucjusz was in love with his beautiful wife Waleria. The visitor, however, assures Fabiusz that during his wanderings he has met many other women and has forgotten his old flame. The master of the house offers for him to stay in the garden pavilion. At the party in their honor, while Mucjusz distributes gifts to everyone present, Malaj plays the charming "Song of Love." It's rumored that those who are in love can do unusual things while listening to this melody at night. To prove it Mucjusz pierces his chest with a stiletto and takes it out without a sign of pain. At night Waleria wakes up to the sounds of the charming song coming from the outside and goes to the pavilion. In their conversation Mucjusz confesses that he still loves her but he has leprosy.


Two handed chamber piece about a middle aged woman who returns from the camps after WWII and meets the mother of her deceased husband. Unable to explain the truth about her husband’s death, Joanna weaves a web of lies to comfort the old woman. In time she is forced to involve more and more people who know of his fate.


A group of people find themselves stuck in remote train station in German-occupied Poland. A drunk German station guard there gets paranoid and sees partisans all around him, phones headquarters, and when the German soldiers arrive and search the station they find a gun. They then threaten to execute every fifth person unless someone claims it.


A pair of lovers go off to a small hotel in a little town. The memories of war, however, intrude on their idyll. The girl and boy relive certain wartime experiences in flashback. She was a communist who drove a boy loving her to give himself up.


Three episodes showing the repercussions of war. A soldier is awarded with the Cross of Valor and vacation to home. But instead of his village, he finds only the charred ruins. A stray dog turns out to be the former guard at Auschwitz. A young widow is hailed as the wife of the hero but dreams of something else.
