Andy Burns

Made possible through a unique UK-wide collaboration of national and regional publicly-funded film archives, Lost Connections draws on a century of archive footage that invites reflections on loss, loneliness, isolation, and expressions of desire, optimism, hope and renewal. It is not a film about the pandemic, it is a film about recovery, the human character, sadness and joy, what we really value, and our gradual reconnection with each other, our communities, and the world around us.

The crew is hard at work on the new jobs. They need a well to bring water to the yard, a road to the new workshop, homes for the can-do crew and someone to run the old yard! But with all the work to be done, the team has gotten into some mix-ups and not everyone is where they should be. Will Bob and his crew nail down all the details and get their jobs done right? Episodes Dizzy and the Talkie Talkie Scoop's Recruit Where's Robert? Wendy's Welcome Roley's New Friend