Andy Clark

The first film having an Irish motif that John Ford directed, a six reel delight set in Eire's County Kildare and in the United States, with a steeplechase background, mixing charged elements of comedy and sentimental drama, benefiting from a sterling cast including Leslie Fenton, Janet Gaynor, and Ford favourite J. Farrell MacDonald.


Jack goes from business to business, trying to sell ad space in his newspaper. At each stop he catches the boss in a compromising position with a secretary. He writes an editorial about the practice, hinting that he could expose prominent businessmen. Suddenly everyone wants to buy ads in his paper.

An entry from Raoul Barre's Animated Grouch Chaser series

A short comic film in which young André delivers a telegram to the theatre. Once there, he has to stand in for an actor during a performance of Little Lord Fauntleroy. Despite the chaotic performance, he is very successful.

A short public service film warning people in New Jersey to stay out of the way of oncoming streetcars. The message is framed in a cute romantic comedy.