Ángel de la Cruz

This is the story of PACO, a 40-year-old, confirmed bachelor who, in the prime of his life, realises a childhood dream: to work at home in his pajamas. Just when he's reached the zenith of personal happiness, however, into his life walks Jilguero (the name means "Birdie" in Spanish), a girl he falls in love with who must get used to the fact that her man's main objective in life is to remain at home in his pajamas. This is also a story about the bachelors, the couples, and friends who, through their hilarious anecdotes, influence their lives and relationship.


In Santa Fe de Tierra Firme, an imaginary Latin American country, the indigenous dictator Santos Banderas rules with an iron fist. A group of rebels trying to seize power by force while some liberals try a change of government legally.
