Angèle Metzger

Deux Metres was shot days before Covid-19 was declared a pandemic. The movie documents the day of Angele Metzger, a character who accuses the director of using this short to actually depict a portrait of himself.

Lois, 16, has only one dream: becoming an astronaut. However, although she’s gifted in physics, she has a big problem: Lois weighs over 200 pounds – a family trait she’s inescapably stuck with. Then, just when everything seems lost, Lois meets Amélie, Stannah, and Justine: three teenagers shattered, like her, by life’s tough breaks; yet ready for anything in order to leave with her for outer space…


Tina and Fred, a couple in their fifties, are desperate in their search for a boy's name. But for whom? And why? A thoughtful look at a social issue.

Mrs. Géquil is an eccentric teacher despised by her colleagues and students. On a stormy night, she is struck by lightning and faints. When she wakes up, she feels different. Will she now be able to keep the powerful and dangerous Mrs. Hyde contained?
