Angelika Schwarzhuber

Miriam Maertens falls ill with cystic fibrosis and struggles quietly with the disease. Mastering a double life she falls in love and achieves her professional goals. When Miriam gets pregnant, everyone is shocked. When her lungs malfunction, it is a race against time to find a suitable donor.

The mountain spirit Rübezahl falls in love with the young maid Rosa. Blind with love, he does not notice that the Baroness of Harrant wants to plunder his gold treasures in order to build a sawmill in the Giant Mountains.


Farmer’s wife and mother of three Hanni worries about her youngest, Magdalena, who’s smaller and more sensitive than her siblings. She gets stomach flu and can’t see well. The doctors prescribe nothing but panaceas, and don’t take her case seriously. While Hanni searches for a doctor who will take Magdalena’s symptoms seriously, her husband and sons feel neglected. Ultimately, Hanni will have to take on the government, and confront her childhood memories of grim courtrooms and dark halls. A family drama of forceful intensity, a courtroom thriller based on a true story.
